
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Was late for choir this morning and today was a really really bad hair day :(

Okay anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
went to heeren with nat wong cos I wanted to get one of those really funky yak pak bags :D
But couldn't really find one I really liked so didn't get one anyway.
Hmmmm should have got the elephant one I think quite cute yay :D
Or the see through PINK one :D but like if it rains then I'm so dead so I guess not :D
Then we went to far east plaza and shopped and stuff :D
The stuff there quite ripoff cos you find the same stuff at bugis for like half the price hahaha. The belts there were really cheap though hahah the stretchy airplane seat belt kind :D
Walked around for quite long and I like ice chocolate from gloria jeans! :D yayyyyyz.
Bought stuff and went home and went to cousin's house for reunion dinner(!)
And her house's like opposite mine so I'm back here hahahah.

Will be going KL cos like visiting relatives over there tomorrow till thursday so seee yah when I get back kay?
Miss me hahahha mother says I can go shopping oh yay I seriously need some new stuff :(
And get to pon two days of school hahaha common test is coming eh so shit ehhhhz D:

Okay lah see you lovelies

25 Jan 09, 18:07
TANJI: Did you take panadol?
- Hahahha yes panadol is a real miracle. Greatest invention, I swear :D

25 Jan 09, 13:50
Goodbyejoan: Hello lovable :D
- Heyyyy prettyface hahah miss you! Didn't get to see you that day yeah? Nooo.

24 Jan 09, 22:01
Eden: HAHA REALLY? Birthday card? :D
- HAHA YES. Haven't posted it yet D:

24 Jan 09, 22:01
jean: hello loserrrr! hahaha, dno how to unhook brastraps. tsktsk, and stop molesting me/tickling me at weird places! and, do you have a pimple on your cheek now? HAH :D toodles nincompoop!
- Eeeeeyer you're the lao ti ko lah!! Keep kissing people TSK TSK (!!) ahhaha oh right I think my cheeks oilier already!! I think I have a pimple in my nose or on or something O.O HAHAHAHA you one hook thing lah lousy :D YOU DOINK EHHHH THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS HAHAHAH YOU MEAN THING!!

24 Jan 09, 19:32
sam!: haha! :D yes i miss everyone ):
- High five D:

24 Jan 09, 19:00
ydnew: HELLOHELLO :D relinked! taqqed!~ how u ? ;D
- HAHAH what's the new link ah? AND AND ARE YOU LIM OR HU HAHAHAH. I'm fine and loving you! Yay.

Oh wait you know what.
Bride wars is not that nice but super touching!!
Sorry ahhhhh was broke that day O: