
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Happy chinese new year :D

Spent the whole afternoon yesterday sniffing different perfumes cos we wanted to get one for aunt's birthday and we decided on Chanel's chance. :D
Smelt really fresh and I like it :)
Going back home tomorrow. D:
Shopping wasn't as great as the last time but quite okay yay :D
Gonna have to catch up with school homework when I get back, awwww :(
Didn't eat much cny goodies :D
But I think I ate tons of food and chocolate ohnoooooo. Heehee I don't know what to say now yaya g'bye pretties.

Was late for choir this morning and today was a really really bad hair day :(

Okay anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
went to heeren with nat wong cos I wanted to get one of those really funky yak pak bags :D
But couldn't really find one I really liked so didn't get one anyway.
Hmmmm should have got the elephant one I think quite cute yay :D
Or the see through PINK one :D but like if it rains then I'm so dead so I guess not :D
Then we went to far east plaza and shopped and stuff :D
The stuff there quite ripoff cos you find the same stuff at bugis for like half the price hahaha. The belts there were really cheap though hahah the stretchy airplane seat belt kind :D
Walked around for quite long and I like ice chocolate from gloria jeans! :D yayyyyyz.
Bought stuff and went home and went to cousin's house for reunion dinner(!)
And her house's like opposite mine so I'm back here hahahah.

Will be going KL cos like visiting relatives over there tomorrow till thursday so seee yah when I get back kay?
Miss me hahahha mother says I can go shopping oh yay I seriously need some new stuff :(
And get to pon two days of school hahaha common test is coming eh so shit ehhhhz D:

Okay lah see you lovelies

25 Jan 09, 18:07
TANJI: Did you take panadol?
- Hahahha yes panadol is a real miracle. Greatest invention, I swear :D

25 Jan 09, 13:50
Goodbyejoan: Hello lovable :D
- Heyyyy prettyface hahah miss you! Didn't get to see you that day yeah? Nooo.

24 Jan 09, 22:01
Eden: HAHA REALLY? Birthday card? :D
- HAHA YES. Haven't posted it yet D:

24 Jan 09, 22:01
jean: hello loserrrr! hahaha, dno how to unhook brastraps. tsktsk, and stop molesting me/tickling me at weird places! and, do you have a pimple on your cheek now? HAH :D toodles nincompoop!
- Eeeeeyer you're the lao ti ko lah!! Keep kissing people TSK TSK (!!) ahhaha oh right I think my cheeks oilier already!! I think I have a pimple in my nose or on or something O.O HAHAHAHA you one hook thing lah lousy :D YOU DOINK EHHHH THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS HAHAHAH YOU MEAN THING!!

24 Jan 09, 19:32
sam!: haha! :D yes i miss everyone ):
- High five D:

24 Jan 09, 19:00
ydnew: HELLOHELLO :D relinked! taqqed!~ how u ? ;D
- HAHAH what's the new link ah? AND AND ARE YOU LIM OR HU HAHAHAH. I'm fine and loving you! Yay.

Oh wait you know what.
Bride wars is not that nice but super touching!!
Sorry ahhhhh was broke that day O:

I really cannot stand it anymore.
Stop expecting me to be perfect in every single way and being able to read your freaking mind cos I can't and its giving me a hell of a headache I really really can't take this anymore kay.
I ain't wonder woman and stop talking about the I give you attitude bullshit.
Every single act I do pisses you off and you love picking on me and criticizing every single thing about me.
You make me do all the stuff you don't want to do and then make some stupid comment on the end product and stuff and do you think I like doing all your dirty work. What more do you want. Life's a bitch at times like this.

Thank God for panadol.


(My note super sweet ehhhhhhh :D)

I owe a really big thank you to someone (:

Church today and choir :D
Went to go cut hair after choir and ohnooooo my fringe is like real real real short and it looks really funny(!) :(((((((((
Went with Samantha but her momma didn't let her cut but she accompanied me and thank you very much kay! :D
And then I went out with a fugly fringe ahahah how how!
At least it isn't poking my eyes hmmmmmz.
Waited for mom at the void deck and Sammy stayed with me and we had quite a long heart-to-heart chat which we haven't had for like thousands of years.
Hmmm makes me nostalgic about the past and ahhhhh quite sad thinking about the last time stuff and I realised we all changed quite a bit D:
Then mommy picked me up and we went to sunset way to get something from the vet and then Samantha called and said she could cut hahaha so momma dropped me off at her house and off we went to the same salon HAHA.
Quite embarrassing going back to the same salon but she got a nice cut and mine is quite weirdddddd boohoo.
Sam's hair is real cute teeheehee :)

Hmmmm school tomorrow quite sad D:
And I still haven't done my holiday homeworkkkkkkk ahhhh ohnooooz.
Tomorrow gonna watch netball zonals at RV I think cos Tanji and Chloe are playing yay yay :D

Okay my phone works now and I'm pretty happy :D
But I really don't know what to do if it keeps dying on me like this :'(

How come there's an advert under my cbox :(
I tried looking at the codes but I really can't find the advert's code ahhaha howhow.

Hmmmm realised that I shouldn't take what I have for granted and stuff and I've been real complacent oh noooo have to stop.

HAHA random point oh well but was thinking about the stuff and yup yup.

You know what :(
Blogskins.com is listed as some viral attack site on the laptop and now the security thingy has blocked it O:
Like what the hell ehhhhz.
And and and! The button to change font size and colour has disappeared O:

See yahhhhhz.

Haven't seen you for pretty long but hope you're doing well :D

Ahhhhh my phone went kapoot again D:

Met Jiehui at westmall at 10 o'clock and took a train to bugis (:
Walked around for like reaaaally long in bugis street and like most shops weren't open yet and we walked till our feet hurt D:
Bought most stuff from one shop and the aunty there didn't want to give us a discount :(
Awwwwwwwww. :-/
Spent like everything and I'm like real broke right now D:
Not really happy with what I bought and stuff and Jiehui is real good at resisting(!)
Went to Mos Burger for lunch and we were really grateful for the aircon and seats (:
Sat for quite long and didn't want to shop anymore so we starting walking around in bugis junction and thankfully, mother was free to pick me up (:
Sent Jiehui to some bus stop and then went to Courts and I got a nice fluffy pillow yay :D

Am quite restless right now(!)
Don't really have the blogging mood but the blog currently looks very very very empty(!)
Feel quite strange using blogger right now teeheez.
G'byeeeeeeee (:

(I still have no idea what to put for headerrrr D:)


Tag replies(!)

17 Jan 09, 17:26
- Hellloooooo Szeying! :D Teeheehee.

17 Jan 09, 09:43
TANJI: tag tag tag :) so mon you can come?
- HMMMM should be lah! HEEHEE you didn't give me my candies; my support goes to chloeeee heehee. :D

16 Jan 09, 17:07
Eden: hi long time to see yay , zzz
- Yes booob! :D Wrote your letter already; haven't post! D:

15 Jan 09, 21:55
YINGLING: i got messenger in my class. remember FSD. i'll pass the stuff i wanna give u to tanya. i owe u last year's present too. haha(:
- FSD! Awwwman miss you kindergarten buddy D: When is fsd again ah? April what/August what? Okay I pass to her also k! :D:D

15 Jan 09, 20:52
Joey: haha, grow banana!
- Ewwwwwwwwww Joey naughty naughty huh! (:

15 Jan 09, 18:25
Ashley says: HELLOOOOOO I MISS CHUUUU MANY MANY MY DEAR <3>- Ohmyyy Ashley I miss you tons tons tons(!)

Though you've like moved overseas and we haven't talked in years and I haven't seen you in years either I still really miss you and you came and talked to me on msn and I'm really touched by all you've said haha and the flip flops and all and our ricola sweets and chatting and paper ketchup wars and stuff really makes me nostalgic and think about the past and I feel really sad that time passes so quickly and I would really love to relive those moments again and yup, really wished you were right here.

I have a blister on my foot and I realised I get cut easily and I don't even notice till they start hurting and that really sucks.

Will be switching over to blogger cos I want to try it out :)
Kind of miss blogger heh heh heh.


Someone tell me, (please!)