
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



American Idol.

Allison is out!!
Am really sad :( though gokey or Allen would be out but no it wasn't :(
Always liked her much and rock was so her thing and the duet with Lambert last night was mind-blowing yet she's out ):
She always has this really cheerful disposition and really makes you feel like smiling too and her voice is strong and wonderful.
Sigh :(
Well let's hope she'll be like Daughtry (:
Not giving up though their out yay :D

Heehee really hope Lambert will be in though :)
He always receive great comments but always isn't the first to be save :( why is that so :(

Gwen Stefani perfomance with no doubt was a little crazy.
She was running around so ummm weirdly and she started doing push ups suddenly was like "huh?"
Her running around was the funniest. Like so randomly and everything O.O

Kay need to turn in soon, can't seem to wake up on time for school.
It's hard to type on the phone horizontally :O

Kay see ya :)))))