
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Taking a $1,000,000 pee.

Was watching The Amazing Race: Beijing yesterday.
Awwman it was a pity! The two sisters lost just cos younger sister had to stop to take a piss.
After using a trillion bottles of water to help her swallow starfishes and other weird exotic food, sisters took a taxi to the birdnest stadium thing and younger sister decided to take a piss as she needed one real bad.
Little did she know that that piss was what made her lose her chance to fight for the million bucks.
Omg they were 10sec behind the ex-nfl cheerleaders.
PITY! :(
Feel so sad for them alright.

Oh gosh I'm so full right now k I need to pat my belly.

Have like thousands of people's birthday next week ha ha ha :)

Geog test tomorrow chapters 16, 17, 18.
And I've only completed chapter 16.
Best way for me to memorise the fact's copying down the whole chapter so two more chapters left >:(
And it's 8.10pm already sigh!

Okay need to hurry study.

See ya!
The Major Mugger (BEAT THAT FOLKZ)

HAHA okay TMM is back yup yup omg finished studying okay took like the whole day :(
Today was supposed to receive chinese results but teacher stomped out of class and refused to return back.
Hmmmm was quite confused the whole scene unfolded much too quickly and my eyes couldn't digest everything on time.
So at the end of everything I was like staring, mouth wide-opened, and like "What the hell?!"
Omg I so didn't get it like why did it happen like nothing was out of place bla bla bla. End result: teacher stomped out no more chinese lesson.
And then they went to call chinese teacher number 2 to come up and we had to read some piece of chinese literature.
And like every teacher knew about it or something oh my goodnezz weird.
Miss Kee was rather frustrated with it all and henceeeeee, changing of sits on Thursday.
Wow like so many thingys are happening on thursday man.
Like NAPFA five stations (ugh so not looking forward to shuttle run and standing broad jump and incline), return of history test, Math test, return of chinese test from real long ago (hopefully if teacher returns), changing of sits etc.
Wow wow wow wow wow omg why is my left eye so blur.
There's like a permanent film of whitish thingy over it or something cos its there sometimes and its annoying like suddenly cannot see properly omg my eye what is happening.
Anyway, back on track, I hope that I'll be able to do at least an ok for tomorrow's geog test.
Omg I am so proud of myself for controling my smses quite well.
Fish tycoon is killing me like my fishes keep dying :(
I keep going omg shucks bad habit need to curb it and my haha(s) okay see you crazy mudpies (I WANT TO EAT ISLAND CREMERY'S mudpie!!!! It looked so yummy the last time I went there..)

Chocolate collons are not that nice.
Nothing can beat the strawberry ones. :)
Doggy hates me I think.

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