
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



No, he can't read my pokerface.

Omg shuckzxc I am so hooked onto thesuperficial.com and youtube!!
Just can't seem to stay away from it the whole day okay sucks :(
Like 10+ hours in front of the computer yesterday almost died.
Back was like aching like crazy okay ):
And my eyeballs were like falling out of their sockets (literally) so if you see me with two black holes don't ask kay? :(

Anyway, I'm starting to do weights! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT haha decided to get rid of those flabby arms of mine and dad handed me a dumbbell ha ha ha.
And it's like 3kg like that only and I CAN'T EVEN LIFT IT UP!!
With TWO HANDS, omg omg omg oh no.
But Doggy is like 5+kg and she's much lighter than those scary dumbbells.
Oh well hope I'll have the dsicipline to continue heeheehee. I suck big time.

Okay going to go grocery shopping soon!
I think Lady Gaga singing acoustic is really cool HAHAHAH someone draggggggg me away from youtube etc.

Watched lakehouse yesterday on channel 5 till midnight, was so tired!
Omg the show is quite freaky actually but quite cool lah.
Mom keep saying its a nice show so I decided to go watch it.
Stupid scary commercials keep showing!! :( :(
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg ash stymest I think I'm going crazy SAVE ME LAH OK.

And mom just had to make me eat...

Okay her fault, she better not complain about me increasing in size then ("Look at your brother, his face is half yours you know.")
Heehee but it was yummy anyhow :)
Credit to whatever site kay.
And she keeps trying to tempt me into have kfc's chicken drumsticks for supper. Sighhhhhh and brother wants also they keep describing it IN FULL DETAIL which is not good. No, not good AT ALL.
Shucks, and I went to buy boxes of cookies and everything while grogery shopping not to mention the bag of nyc's bagel garlic-flavoured bagel crips "baked, not fried" ahahahha shucks ate it in the car and stank the whole car remember not to talk to me within the next two hours or so otherwise, you'd die from the return of garlic breathzzz.
HAHAH okay anyway school tomorrow shucks and math tuition.
Am glad I finished all homework.
OKAY I CONFESS, except the math worksheet which Nigel kindly pointed out to me ):