
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile




Thanks for all those chocolates and cards alright :D

Sometimes, your smile is the brightest.

Aunty and Uncle came from Canada and they left this morning like really early.
Hmmmm Aunty's really nice :D She always comes and talks to me about stuff :D
Went to Clark Quay yesterday till midnight and I am soooooo tired right now O.O
Bugis in the morning with Claire(!)
OMG Claire bought like pumps, dresses, and tanks CAN YOU BELIEVE IT O.O
I can't hahahahah quite funny.
Spent more than I had planned to and I feel rather broke right now.
Wait, I am broke right now.
Weeks of savings gone in a flash, sigh.
Didn't ask mother for money this time see I am soooo nice eh.
Shopped quite a bit and had lunch at pastamania which we spent really long trying to find D:
Took a bus and I went to Jia's house to prepare food for the yf thingy today :}
The jam was really bad and it took me like more than an hour to reach :(
Took real long to cook the stuff so was late but we made it in time for the talk and it was funny :)
Prepared too much food(!) There was like so much leftovers )':
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh common test is coming I better study hard man O.O
I failed lit class test ahahahha SUPER SAD OKAY studied real hard for class tests and didn't score in those I thought I could and scored in those I didn't think I could.
Hmmmmm rather ironic eh?

Hey if you're feeling rather down or what, can always talk to me y'know.
Really worried for you kay you didn't sound good.
If you don't want to share you're problems it's okay and I really hope you'll take care :)
I'll lend you my shoulder if you need it :D
Missed you today and really hope to see you (: