
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Dad is awesome.
For lending him my spare phone whilst his phone was sent for repair,
He bought me a big bag of freshly-bake Famous Amos cookies :D
Though wasn't the flavour I like most, it's awesome just the same yay :)
But cookies = fatssssss.
And it's at night now and if I don't finish the bag, it'll be soggy tmrw so sad eh.
Brother doesn't want to eat so I guess I'll have to go solo and finish the bag by myself.
Whoohoo the aunty show is hilarious(!)
I'm busy busy fuzzy wuzzy shuuuuuuucks righto?


kelmond: i feel dam sick :(
- Awwwman get well soon alright! CHEER UP :D

28 Mar 09, 12:17
Jiehui: * Hugs you * Cheer up J JB O! (L) you k! (: Cheerupppppppppppp. (:

28 Mar 09, 03:00
Ryan: pei hwa derh.

27 Mar 09, 22:27
jiayun: you actually have a favourite pair of socks! xD haha arent all yr socks white and look-alike xD

26 Mar 09, 21:40
Kailin(S): whoops. sorry.
26 Mar 09, 21:40
Kailin(S): Heys ;D long time no see yeah. haha. oh btw relink thks ;D
- Okay! :D

26 Mar 09, 21:39
J: Haha what! Gayqueen is cool right right right!? :D
- Heehee! Yeah quite :D

26 Mar 09, 21:17
kelmond: come on, cheer up, the world isnt over :) there are better things what you to think of, :)
- Thanks!

Yay strike one off my to-do list :D
I managed to bake my muffins today!
Yummmmm, Cranberry Orange Muffins.
And there're a success :D:D
Really happy cos its the first time I tried my hand at mnuffins.
First batch looked quite pale and sickly and they aren't sweet.
Second batch looked extremely brown but really sweet and tasty :D
Conclusion: First batch looks nicer but second batch is tastier. :D
Mother prefers the first batch though cos she doesnt like things to be sweet-ish.

Went to Phoonhuat yesterday to get baking stuff (Strike 2 off the list!)
Took quite awhile to find the correct block and spent 40+$ there.
Yay can't wait to bake those cute little biscuits heeheehee.
Unfortunately, I'm only free on Tuesday which is like today so my cute biscuits has gotta wait till next week I guess.
Yay and I managed to get the wire whisk so no more yucky lumpy jello pudding! :D
I have so many things to do in so little time(!) Pft.

Bake muffins
Bake cute little biscuits
Buy baking materials
Get rid of disgusting choc jello
Finish up the cheesecake
Buy ingredients for creme brulee and lemon cheesecake
Bake some gingerbread men and women
Find my blue and black pens
Go get more pens
Art homework
Math homework
Chinese homework
Confucius ethics homework
Go ikea and get that thingy
Go running
Do revision!!!

And those are at the top of my head and there are others but I can't remember shucks.
Saturday is going to be a busy day not really looking forward.
Dental on Friday I think(?) It's gonna be rush rush rush sighhhhz.

Jiehui is queen of garlic bread and I love her :D


I am super duper tired please.
Limin said I look like a frog. -.-
Life is rather sad at the moment and fats are pilling up,
crap ))))':
Can't view youtube videos cos dont have the latest adobe flash blabla which I don't know why I can't download and I downloaded java already its supposed to work but it isn't ):
Internet explorer keeps opening one million tabs and safari can't view mails.
I love firefox thank God for it and I feel so lazy and piggish com sleep eat the whole day its killing me I need discipline and do some work and revise or something.

I got my haircut on Saturday ):
Nat W. says it looks as if the fan chopped it off.
Michelle says I look like a coconut head.
Shantelle says she laughs whenever she looks my way.
Joanne agrees to take a photo with me cos she says no one can't look uglier than me in the photos.
My brother says I look like the botak Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta.
Joanne went to cut bangs cos she says the results cannot be worse than mine.
Brother says if he drilled my face it would be an improvement.
Ha. Ha. Ha.

Yiyan agrees that I look like a guy.
Jean, Lisa, Jiehui keeps laughing at me ):


Oh wellllll have to wait min. two weeks before it grows back to an acceptable length and flops down.
Right now it's popping up: two finger spacings between my fringe and my forehead.

Last night slept at 1+ and miraculously, wasn't tired today :D
Didn't go sport heats today though, want to do tons of stuff :D

Bake orange cranberry walnut muffins.
Think of what to get for Tanji.
Do Chloe's farewell gift.
Buy baking stuff.
Think of how to get rid of the chocolate jello I tried to made which failed badly.

And that's part of the list. D: Gah.
Thanks goodness the streak of march birthday people has ended.
Chloe is leaving the Friday and I am damn sad k.
We spent some time talking about stuff and it never cease to amaze me how fast time flies.
Like the bullet train. Like the jet plane. Like the rocket. Whatever.
She was the first person to take the initiative and come up to me and say hi.
And I was super antisocial then, even more than now.
Awwwwman so niceeeee right Chloe my dearest Ali :D

Can't remember what else to blog about.
Yakult is refreshing and cafe cartel's st louis ribs ftw :D
Clodhoppers + milo bars + creme brûlée + chocolate pudding + chocolate mousse + muffins = FATS.
oh great.

Emotional shit.
I just can't stand it yeah.
The words left unsaid are the ones with the most damage.
The ones that hang in the air are the ones which would impact most.

I need a good cry.

History today was real fun :D
Miss K. kept talking about the different toilets in different countries.
And Chinese lesson Mr S. took us to the library and guys kept talking kinky stuff sheeshhhh hahah.
Miss L. took away my socks today and made me throw them away ):
They were my favourite pair okay D:
And she took a picture of me cos my bangs were too long and she wants to capture it as the 'don'ts'.
Pft yeahhhhh ): Plus I have a big bug bite high looks like a ginormous pulsating pimple alright.
Thank goodness subside a little already yup.

Had math tuition and managed to walk home before it rained yay.
I was really doozy today. Was quite confused over formulae and stuff sigh.
I think i'm backsliding tons in homework and revision and everything. ):
I need motivation to do work (!!) O.O

Sigh am watching teevee now.
Web messenger on my phone is undergoing upgrading blahs.
So am not online currently.
Dad's phone has broken down and he has to use my spare phone.
Hope that my phone wouldn't break down anymore D;
Then I wouldn't have any phone yeah. ):
I miss keypads heeheeehee!

Tried the new comp today.
It was okay but I can't read my mail on safari I don't know why but it works on I.E.
Photoshop is finally installed but I don't know how to use it haha.
Need to transfer my itunes sigh!
That'll take ages ): lazy!
The screen is huge, takes longer than usual to get the mouse arrow from one end to the other O.O
But quite cool lah (: certainly beats using the phone's minute screen!

I seriously think I need a haircut too :/
Bangs are poking my eyes ehehehheh annoying!!
Haircut soon. Shucks should have cut with mother at the hairdressers last weekend ):

Dad and momsy laughed at me when I told them (tearfully!) that my favourite pair of socks were thrown ):
How evil!
Brother laughed non-stop. Tsk! Very upsetting ):
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Had an awesome dinner. HPA1 sauce ftw!
Until mother spilled the whole cup of wine -sploosh!- all over the table and on brother's and father's White shirts.
Awwww purple shirts for you people hey (:
Heehee I'm so lucky! Was wearing uniform and it didn't spill at all on me :))
We had potatoes soaked in wine yum yum yeah.
Doggy licked the wine from the ground. Tskkkk.
Reminds me of Tin Tin's dog, Snowy (:

Show is getting soppy.
Goodbye sweeties (:
Joan Jellybelly lives you all :D

Jellybelly's the new middlename :D
Shantelle has a middle-name fetish. Kuckoo already awman :D
Her's O' Reily I think haha SOS!
okay seriously bye already ah (:

Omg father has set up the new computer and the screen is too big for comfort.
It's gigantic shuckssssss D:


Whoa, time really flies eh.
Been more than one year since I knew you and you're really awesome (:D) you know that?
Thanks okayyyyyy for being a fab fab friend :DD
And glad you like the present that we all chipped in (:

Though I don't believe in horoscopes, today's horoscope was rather meaningful:
If you can stand an unproductive day, you should be just fine right now. It is a great time for you to deal with people as they really are, not as you want them to be.
taken from the straits times.
Rather true. I've been having tens of thousands of unproductive days.
Tuition tmrw and haven't got work done. Shiiiit. D:
And I guess I can't expect people to be who I want them to be.
Like I always said that I cant alter my behaviours to suit someone and likewise,
I shouldn't expect people to do that either.

Today's lessons were okay I guess.
I kept falling asleep again shucks.
It's highly embarrassing esp when my head keeps falling frontward/backward.
And the classroom is freeeeezing! Like so cold I spend half the time (wait, make that three quater) of the time worrying whether or not my limbs would drop off due to frost bite/hypothemia.
Mdm. Poon is forever claiming that it's too hot for her liking but it's so cold.
Maybe cos where I sit is cooler(?)
Had the first D&T lesson today.
Haha was quite okay, slightly boring however.
The orange+chopsticks lantern was cute!!
Even had spikey cones sticking out O.O

Cca today was shiok :D
Normal parades already whoohoo, how awesome.
Until some stupid arse spoiled my bestie's day.
Freaking angry at her alright, how could she do that mannnnnn.
On purpose one please and I don't care if she was joking or not but spare a thought about how others are feeling!
Damn shit. Damn mean.
Well congratulations, you have just been officially promoted to pulic enemy number 1.
Like everyone's quite pissed.

Went to video ez and borrowed moovies.
Sorry bestie, that's why I haven't called yet - detoured.
And my brother is hogging the phone.
If he's not hogging the phone, he's hogging the computer.
Or both. Sucks lah ok I have to resort to using phone's internet which is horrible ):

And I think most stuffs are back to normal.
Hope it'll remain this way (:

I (L) clodhoppers. Milo bars are quite cool too.
I'm really in the mood for baking muffins. Pity I don't have the tray ):
Making jello would have to do.
Yup see ya I want to go pat doggy and read the papers (:
Ta ta lovelies!!

I still cannot get used to waking up early and washing up in 10 minutes :/
Always me who causes the family to be late, sigh.
And when I came home today I slept from 4-7pm = wasted.
3 hours can be used to clear homework but I didn't ):
Arghhhhh kay this sucks another day goes by in which I didn't get work done I seriously must start.
However I do feel the need to catch up with sleep but MY PILE OF HOMEWORK UNDONE IS GETTING CRAZZZYYY.

Today was a better day for me than yesterday whoohoo :D
And I failed Confucius ethics. Scored a mere 7 marks upon 35.
I know, really lousy right D:
Health checkup was today hahaha one and a half hours of free period which I used trying to take pictures of Chloe.
She's leaving next Friday and I will really really miss her :(
No one to get punished with anymore D:

Alicia is the cutest being on earth starting today.
Haha very fun to take pictures of her/ask her to take pictures of you.
Doesn't count 1, 2, 3, she justs randomly snaps "more original what" she says.
She went to acjc for drama stuff and jiehui was asking her if it was nice there and she was like, it's okay lah but it's too rainy and like omg it was rainy almost everywhere O.O
Heehee she's so adorable and the best thing is that she doesn't know she is. Really innocent. Really funny/cute (;
I really miss sitting behind her! :/ was extremely fun and she'll pester you to play her games.
HAHAHA she says she's gettig fat and lovin' it(!) O.O

There was a talk today was I found very relevant.
Sigh I think I have a split personality. Probably like Dr. Jekyll.
Quite freaky actually hmmmmm SUCKS :-/
the speaker was really funny ha ha ha okay random(!)
"You can't change what happens to you but you can change your attitude towards them." -Anon.
"Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf." -Jonathan Mårtensson

Bug bites are as horrible as ever D:
And I felt quite sad when I was that.
know I shouldn't be feeling this way but arghhhhhhh.

NEED TO IMPROVE BADLY my work attitude is the shitz I tell you ):
"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
(Yes the cute adorable little wrinkly green guy)

Oh and,

Like, the whole world's birthdays are held in March O.O
Haven't got any time to buy presents ):
Not enough moolah alsooooo. Sheesh.

The phone keeps ringing whole day long and whenever I pick up its: Hello can I speak to Darryl.
Standard sentence. Always addressed to my brother.
I wonder why I even bother answering the phone.
Oh wait, it's because the ringing is so shrill and annoying.
Brother talks on the phone for hours and hours and I thought guys his age don't do that O.O

Okay happy birthday luv ya people g'day (:

School wasn't as bad as I anticipated.
However, I had a hard time staying awake during classes.
Wasn't really myself today after whatever that happened.
Sorry Jiehui D: Was moody yah.
Well, I sort of feel guilty for my outburst but whatever I said was true anyhow.
I feel guilty about my reaction.
I do admit that when I'm angry, I will get really angry one.
Maybe my reaction is too much(?) D:
Sigh whatever lah k.
We're both equally stubborn but I do apologize for what I did wrong but you will never admit.
Oh well nothing I can do right.

Project work was quite fun.

Guess what's worse than a pimple outbreak?
A bed-bug's bites outbreak :(

My poor face has like red splotches everywhere.
When I woke up yesterday there were two right next to each other.
Applied some aloe vera thing and it was okay.
That was yesterday.
Today, two more popped up and were red as ever :(
And the previous 2 became even redder shucks.
I think they're bedbug bites cos that's what 9 out of 10 people said it was.
Ewwww I clean my bed okay!!
Can't imgaine little creepy microscopic things crawling about on my comfy pink bed(!!)
GET LOST YOU BUGS. Go pick on someone (or something) your own size!!
Shucks the bites are really really red :((((
And they are expanding in size as we speak. *gasps!!*

Today was extremely embarrassing.
Came home and felt extremely beat so I took a nap safetly snuggled under my pink duvet.
And before I knew it someone was tapping my head and -horror of horrors- it was my tuition teacher.
Gosh was it ever so embarrassing!
What if I was like drooling in my sleep or snoring like an elephant. OR HAD BUGS ALL OVER MY FACE.
Okay fine, thank the lucky stars I didn't drool (I checked my pillow for spit stains but there was none, thankfully).
But I'm not sure about the snoring part.
I shall make a mental note to ask my teacher the next time I see her (awake hopefully).

Sigh been spending my days pigging out on hershey almond kisses.
And Easter-egg-shaped reese's (I know right! How cute can they get and in metallic pastel colours!)
And I eat two lunches a day and I hear my fast food dinner coming home.
Toodles people.

I dont think you even care.
At the end of the day, it is I who initiates the apology.
It is I who take the first step, makes the first move.
Maybe I shouldn't anymore.

Yeah whatever I do is always an eye-sore to you.
Do you even know how hard I tried to change my ways but people can't change overnight.
And people are usually unchangeable.
It's amazing how you take my words and morph it into something crude.
Just to let you know that I did try.
You say that I look at you with lots of hatred.
Well I don't, I don't know what you see.
I really don't hate you, not even after all the things you do to me.
When people are around, you can just totally pretend that nothing ever happened.
But I can't okay. I can't just pretend to be okay when you want things to look like it's okay.
I'm not like some bin that doesn't need to be emptied.
You can hurl all your insults at me, tell me how much I suck, tell me all my shortcomings.
But at some point in time, I will blow my top and be angry.
Been trying to get you to at least understand but all you see are all what you think.
Your points-of-views. Your thoughts. What you did. What you do. Your actions. What you say.
I have my own thoughts and stuff. Not only yours exists.
I can't change all my actions, my words, my attitude, my personality so that it would suit your kind of behaviour.
We have to compromise and adjust. It takes two hands to clap, I can't be the only one hand clapping.
You have to do your part too to make things work out. But you aren't.
Our personalities are world apart maybe that's why we always end up arguing.
It just doesn't work.
I tried. To change how I behave to suit you. But you always pick on all the other things.
What I do is not enough and will never be.
I try to talk it out. To tell you how I feel about it and instead of listening and doing what you can on your part,
You twist all my words into stuff that I never ever said. Never ever felt.
Sigh I really don't know what to do about it.
And sometimes I get violent I know. That's probably my way of venting anger.
You asked me to stop and talk nicely. Isn't that what I've always been doing since day one but have you ever listened.

I can change maybe, the whole world can.
But you can't. And you will never.

Holidays have come and gone and I really dread saying goodbye to my sleep-in days.
Gone are the fuschia polishes and hello white uniforms.
School is starting and I can't say that I've missed it.
I'd miss the amount of time I get to spend with doggy dearest and my pillows.
Holidays were extremely extremely extremely unproductive.
Haven't got homework done except for English which happens to be due only next week.
Haven't got my bag ready and prepared for tomorrow either, sheesh and it's already ten o'clock D;
Didn't even watch a single movie during the hols.
Gosh, I've just wasted 5 x 24 hours of free time.
Super unproductive, I am displeased at myself.
No discipline to get work done.
Term one has gone and hello to term two.
Note to self: MUST BUCK UP. STUDY HARD. (:
Hope there wouldn't be anymore failures laalaalaa work hard work hard work hard.
Kay 'nuff said.

UNCLE Roy bought us big breakfast today yum yum(!)
Heehee I like grape jam :D
Sermon was good, paid more attention yay.
Choir was HAHA. Funny (:
Thank goodness managed to run through the scores during sectionals.
Boy were they harddddddddd D:
Always zhao sia then superrrr embarrassing O.O
Michelle laughs really scarily heh heh.
And Teng Jin is scaryyyyyy. And freakyyyyyy.

Went to some condo at Orchard there and we had buffet heehee catered.
Went to swim there, haven't swam for eons(!) D:
Pool was quite cool, the under-water treadmills.
But the other pools were pretty normal /:
Sigh ate tons and so much for burning calories while swimming D:
Teevee place there was -brrrrr- freezing thank goodness for jackets!

The tablecloth broke my nail ): Grrrrrrr.
It hurtssssss D;
Oh and byebye monster-green polish.
Hello socks and sneakers.

Ta ta for now (:
Have tons to do tonight. Shucks X=

You blame everyone. But yourself.
Damn shit I tell you.

Shantelle: haha nah just some stuff. Im alright yup ;D
Kelmond: yeah thanks k! It's okayyyyyy.
Jiehui: AHA. Whatever you CHEEKO. :D
Chuanling: Its okay :D and you're welcome(!)
:) : hmmm at your facebook profile on the left sidebar bottom there's this thing called create your badge or something. Yup! It's there ;D

Today was an awesome day :D
Met Jia for breakfast and chatted.
Feel as if I haven't talked to her for quite some time O.O
Sorry I was late hahaha.
Then met Doreen, Abigail, Bennie, Sarah Kong and had our yf group gathering thing.
Left early cos I had dental. D:

And momma came back today after being ten days away in the States :)
Bought tons of stuff (not to mention lots of chocolate whoohoo!) and I'm really happy hahah my momma is awesomeeeeee.
She managed to get almost all the stuff I asked for yay.
And she bought doggy tons of cookies and stuff :D
Said she missed doggy the most heehee I luv luv luv my doggy :)))
Sigh homework is a killjoy. Haven't started shucksssss D:

My shoulders are burnt, can't carry bags anymore ):

Took a bus with Shan to botanical gardens haha and we walked from the orchard part to the other side hahaha the evolution garden was cool.
Camewhored quite a bit cos Shantelle is camewhore queen(!)
But don't know by can't upload 3/4 of the photos don't know why my phone sod already shucks );
Arghhhhhhh D:
So we went to the nie stadium there to run hahaha I walked lah k she ran.
The sun was so hot omg SO HOT.
and now I'm slightly burnt sheesh.
There was this group of guys there. OMG FREAKY. Damn weird okay!!
Went to Mr. Prata for lunch haha I like. The cat there was scary!!
Took a bus back to Shan's house and went grocery shopping and helped her cook dinner!
Practice for her home econs test Haha it turned out yummy ;D
Omg she tripped like ten thousand times in total today and she was damn high GOODNESS it was hilarious and pretty embarrassing O.O
Hilarious lah Shan says the chicken uncooks itself. Like good grief.
Went to the playground thing behind her house. Long walk man.
It was real fun there(!) :D
Haha I think today was quite an awesome day whoohoo :}

Watched V for Vendetta last night it was awesome ;D
I'm slow I know it was gooooood. V is k3wLz.
Kay the drama now is hilarious. Laughing so hard my head is dropping off.
Kay luv you all pretties. Ta. Ta. :D

Supposed to meet shanny at nine but I woke up at nine haha :D
Whoohoo we're gonna run run run today cos she doent wanna go shopping (:
Burn calories haha im excited ;D
She's super pig was still sleeping when I called O.O
Kay buhbye, hurrah for running(!)

:D :D

You know what?
Stop blaming yourself. Please.
Cause it's not your fault. It's just how things turn out to be.
It's not the outcome I wanted either.
But since it turned out this way,
We'll just have to wait and see how things go from now onwards.
I tried so hard to prevent such things from happening again but my attempt failed I guess.
I'm not cut-out to be who I try to be. I don't have what it takes.
Sometimes I feel like I'm reverting back.
What I tried to hold on to is like crumbling away. In BOTH current situations. Gee.
But I guess I'll just have to remember why I even held on in the first place.
Even if there's seriously there's no point.
Don't have anything to look forward to alrdy.

Goodness I really can't understand why everything turned out to be the way.
At least now I know there really isn't a "happy ending".
And fairytales deceive people into thinking that everything that goes through a rough patch would end with a happy ending.
And when it doesn't, it just make you wanna run back to your mommy and cry.
Tsk, it's all denial.

I guess since it's like that,
We'll just have to bear with it.
There's more to life than that. I hope.
Stop blaming yourself and finding fault with yourself cos you seriously aren't the cause/problem.
Don't need to worry. It'll just take time.
We'll just have to cross our fingers and wait. Sigh.

What we dream of,
is often what we want.

But it wasn't what I want.
Or at least I think it isn't.
Tell me why, you're so hard to forget, don't remind me.
But it really isn't shucks I DONT KNOW.
Crap okay this is really confusing.
I'm baffled. Whatthehell.

Today was extremely uneventful.
Had tuition in the morning, went to sleep for longer than I intended, walked to tuition, walked back.
Whoa how productive. Tuition classes everytime :(
The holiday is breezing by and very soon I'll find myself desk-bound again.
And homework is a bitch. Haven't touched it yet.
Four pieces of art. Shuckssssss D:

Sorry(!!) I know like these few day I've been emo nemo and stuff and don't mind me please!!!

I'm like stuck in between and I don't know what to do!!

Sometimes goodbye's a second chance.

I'm so glad I don't have to wake up early for school today :D
But still woke up quite early hmmmm.
I don't know if I should go to school later(!!) D:

Yesterday was alright (:
Did the skit thing during SS and it was pretty hilarious yup :D
Talk to the elbow, cos you ain't worth the extention.
I can never pull off the bimbo accent O.O
Went to cousin's house to celebrate her birthday haha was camwhoring with sy and he was really crazy.
With his big eyeball thing and all, tsk.
And ahem someone says he hates camwhoring gosh.
Then went to watch teevee and eat peanuts with E.
Gosh it was funnyyyy the way E goes googoo over the television.
And she really knows how to waste post-its.
Sticking it everywhere hahah cos it makes her feel like she's 'attentive'.
Stage one of denial, tsk.
And I realize watching dramas with me really sucks.
I'm no tv companion sigh.

Still debating whether or not to go to school.
Time's flying and I need to decide quick.
Someone keeps persuading me using her unlimited sms haha. Wonder who.
So many people's birthday's in March.
And I'm already very broke, don't know where all my $$ disappeared too. Bugger.
And I really need a shopping trip (:

stop trying to make me choose cos it really sucks.
Can we just compromise or something it's really taxing on me :(

And somebody is super inconsiderate.
You only think about you and yourself.
You don't spare a thought for other people at all.
Your priorities are this, your priorities are that.
Hasn't it ever occured to you that other people have priorities too?
Do you even know that people have important things to get done too and not only what you have to do is important?
Your just being downright selfish in your own way and thinking about the best ways for you and not the best way for everyone.
Everyone has to suffer the consequence and it's all because of you.
Blimey. How self-centered can you get man, I wonder.

Yay I managed to complete one to-do out of the multitude of to-dos I have :}
The to-do's actually to bake a cake!
Something I've been itching to do since day one.
Okay technically speaking, it isn't completed yet cos dear Mr. Chocolate Cake is still sitting in the oven, yummmmm(!)
Haven't baked a cake for ages and I had to hunt for the electric mixer which was conveniently buried somewhere in the huge mess of kitchen stuff which haven't been used for millions of years.
And guess what I found inside the electric mixer's box?
My math worksheet dating back to July 2008 - uncompleted.
Gees, who would have thought I'd found a worksheet O.O
And I just had a peek into the oven and the cake is looking all wrinkly and cracked all over.
Oh well it's attempt number 1 anyway :D
Realized I don't have a plastic spatula and spent hours trying to scrape the chocolate mixture with a spoon.
Hand's all sore right now D:
And I don't have the round pan thing to bale a round cake ):
So it's gonna be a rectangular chocolate cake heehee :D
Wanted to bake muffins but don't have the thingy either D:

Waiting for jiayun and xinyi to arrive to start on our project and I haven't tidied my room :'(
It's so cluttered sighhhhhh =X

Ta ta!
Gonna go mix the icing right now :D

Drill competition was today!
Had to wake up early and there goes my only able to sleep in day sigh sigh sigh.
But poor drill comp. people have to stay there till five then Jiehui's going to camp @ west coast hahahaha awesome much!
Weren't allowed to bring camera phones and xinyi was like, even my grandpa's phone also got camera hahahah.
We reached school at about one o'clock I think and I think our drill comp. group is aweeeeeesome.
They really put in tons of effort and it's really cool! :D

Quite dreading march holidays oh well at least I get to sleep in.
Four pieces of art work and tons of other work and really good me went to do some filing and work just now! :}
I know awesome right!
History project group's meeting up on Monday and I'm not free cos have the weblog project thing. O.O
I just realised I have a library book buried under my pile of textbooks.
Goodness wonder how much fine I've incured. Shit.
And I didn't bring my math textbook home and I have math tuition on Tuesday.
Awww sucks much!

Darius said ns is quite slack.
So far only interviews and forms and GOOD FOOD!
And can take naps one ahhahahaha so shiok ehs and no homework!

Oh, it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it's not enough
To make it all okay

You can't play our broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?

Oh, what are we doing?
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us

Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to say
It's like chasing the very last train
When it's too late, too late

I love my pet society pet! I woke it up and its so cute hahahaha.
Thinking of changing a skin. I'm so tired of it! ):

Shit, changed the colour and removed the borders and it looks.. Weird right?!
Sighhhhh spent quite long on it and my eyes are feeling tired.
So is my wrist. Moved around the red little dot in the middle of the lappy till my wrists feel sore. Shucks.
Now the word 'header' looks like squiggles.
Sometimes different words just seem weird to me.

Oh before I forget,
(In case there isn't time tomorrow)


Hahahah awman I love drawing around pictures and sorry people if I drew on you! D:
Hope you don't mind kayyyy.
Sorry if like I'm spamming pictures on facebook cos I post from my phone only can post one by one so it would keep popping up ahhahaha :D
If you don't get what I say which I highly un-doubt then nevermind!!

I miss you all so muchhhhhhhhhhhhh. Crap.

Can everything just stop already.

Sometimes it seems like that.
Sometimes it doesn't seem so.
It sucks not really knowing.
Are we just putting up some sort of facade thing?
Or is everything just normal and usual but it's just me thinking too much?
Ahhhhhh SIGH. Times like this suck.
And I don't know why it's like this now but you know, so close yet so far?
It's like on the surface only?
Don't think anyone would get what I'm saying but it's okay cos I'm just being an annoying emo nemo.
Don't mind annoying me. D:

Hope I'm not causing _ to _.
Shucks really hope I'm not X:
And thought I could count on you butttttt maybe I was wrong I think.

which suckkkkkkk. Badly. S:
Why everything become like that. Started off well then I don't know what happened but oh well it changed everything eh.
My fault I think. Seriously.
I am a freakkkkkk.
Shouldve have done those stuff maybe they're the cause.
And I'm so easily irritated these days = me irritating the shit out of others which is .. Not good!
Okay I am evil. Evil. Evil.

*Pound. Pound. Pound.*
oh that's just my head you hear.

March hols are here and I'm not going out at all.
there's tons of homework and projects to do march holidays are THE PITS!!
Need to go to support drill comp. people tmr.
Guess we should after all their hardwork man.
Guess I can say goodbye to sleeping in.
Shucks D:

Bom. Bom.
Am really sleepy :/

Yf today was cool.
Took part in the 24h prayer chain and took turns on our little groups.
With a White ikea candle burning away.
Was good (:

Okay bye Joan.

Sorry about the afternoon's post.
Was upset. Shucks. Like nowadays upset over different stuff.

And then I feel that the past is like replaying.
Something that I dreaded so much and hoped it won't ever happen again.
Tried hard to prevent it. But I guess it's inevitable.

I love chatting with mother on yahoo messenger.
(Hahha go look at the smileys at the bottom heehee CUTE RIGHT!!)

Yahoo messenger is so cute. There's even the talk to the hand smiley and everything.
Miss mother awwww.
Should learn to treasure family people more. :D

Sigh I really hope everything will revert back.
Sick of stuff now. Shucks. I have to make amends I guess.
Don't think you'll understand. D:
Okay this stinks.

Planes are really interesting.
Talking to Bryan made me realise it. It's amazing how they fly seeing that they weigh more than a hundred tonnes.

JIEHUI: EH LOVE. (: Cheerup kays. ;D Dont angry later all the wrinkles and cellulites appear ( no link. xD ) haha Love love you. :D ( annelisa : heh leave a comment lah dumb xD )
- Thanks ah hui. For everything seriously kay. Reminders and everything, you have no idea how much it means to me :D Hahahha I already have wrinkles and cellulite my dear (: I love you too!

11 Mar 09, 21:07
kelmond: lol annelisa :D rofl.

11 Mar 09, 19:00
annelisa ♥: HELLO JOAN {♥} hahahx .
11 Mar 09, 19:00
annelisa ♥: wa . joan is so very random D: LIKE ME :D LOL . HELLO JUNIOR TOO . why jiehui blog no tagboard. LOL . ;D
- HAHA she says its the leave a comment. Funny how I never realised it too (:

11 Mar 09, 08:02
JOEMIN: replied**
11 Mar 09, 08:01
JOEMIN: realied already! but lazy post HAHHA. but who else O: matbe go out another time? or you really wannacelebrate? (:
- HAHAH up to you pretty. Hmmmm POST IT.

10 Mar 09, 23:02
kelmond: why your mum dun allow? D: sadd.
- Don't know.. D:

Happy birthday people.


Stop siding that idiot please and I don't care if you do just bloody STOP interfering you cow.
Damn bitch I tell you interfering with everything when you don't even know what happened and why it happened.
And everything he said was bullshit I tell you and he's attitude is the pits.
Downright rude that only spells one word. Disappointment.
Like after so long of knowing each other and this is what you do?!
It's a bloody let down okay. It's horrible.
And then you made me lose my top and made me damn pissed and then you said chill, calm down BLA BLA when you were the pissed one and I was the calm one in the first place till you went too far.
So now it's like you're the good guy and I'm the bad one who started everything eh?
Yeah right.

Damn disappointed today man.
Didn't know you two were actually like that.
Oh well I guess what I expected of you was too high then cos your actions proved it.
It's happened like so many times so I guess I shouldve already known that you're like that.
It's always the same style. Same pattern.
Always you siding you without knowing anything and then I get blamed for everything.
You both really know how to get me eh.
I bet you're both happy I lost my top and probably went ballastic.
But I don't think I need to care anymore cos that's what you're like.
No point arguing whatsoever cos there's one me and two yous. Damn.

Freaking angry. Shit.

And just when I remembered to bring my umbrella,
It didn't rain -.-

Got back the rest of the results today.
Lit and english were okay but I failed Chinese.
Guess it was expected but I didn't really think that I would fail by a lot.
went to see if teacher would give me more marks and mr Seow gave me one mark hahah.
I begged okay (:

Was supposed to go holland v today to celebrate Chuan's birthday but mother said that I can't go D;
Ohhhhh well was rather surprised cos she usually allows me X:
Guess I have my limits ):


The air-con in class is -brrrrrrr- freezing.
Was on the brink of hyphothemia (spelling?!) I think O.O
Heehee luv playing Trace with jiehui in class :B
And thanks for lending me your jacket. (:
And the daily reminders though I don't reply you heh.
Wouldn't know what I would have done without you yeah :D

Haha brother just decided to lower his volume and I am so used to his booming voice tht it sounds weird now.
Someone please please PLEASE stop him from singing circus hahah.
He's singing it twentyfour seven and it's ringing in my head.
I like britney hahah but darryl keeps singing and singing and singing.
The same song over and over.
Ate this enzyme thing and it tastes like alchohal but like strong alchohal and fruity.
The taste is overwhelming - I don't fancy O:

Phone has a cool collage/Polaroid function thing pity cant upload stuff on blogger via phone.
I think I use my phone too much I have to charge it thrice a day and it keeps hanging and blacking out and lagging >:(
hope it lasts me the next maybe four years cos mother I fed up with me cos I always change phone ):
I want subway right now and I don't know why I broke down when you called there was no reason I just did and you kept telling me not to be sad and stuff and thanks a lot you mean a lot to me and you don't have to worry.
You thought I was pissed with you but I'm not okay there wasn't a reason I don't know why perhaps I am mad I think this is the most probable reason yup but I'm fine now and I want to watch tv I've been just lazing on the bed the whole day whoa I'm really piggy I go oink oink and roll in the mud and I like pink.
I must be mad.
Oh wait maybe I am.
Miss you :D

I've been like posting daily cos I AM BORED / HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO.
Nights loves. I could do with some shuteye.

Haha I have a mean mean MEAN brother who just blocked me from msn.
Weeeell downloaded some new application instant messenger thing so I don't have to refresh manually :-)
But like once I change screen then will auto sign out which is .. Not good ):
My bio results were the shitz I tell you D;
Was rather disappointed especially with the mcq part I guess.
Maybe instead of regretting and complaining I should thank the lucky stars that I managed to pass.
Like Mr. Fuzz says: It could be worse.
Weeeell I shall continue living in hope that I'll be able to do better :D

The rain today made me feel really cold.
Luv ya lotssssss.
Am real lucky to have such a nice awesome friend like you yeah awwwwww sweet much(?)
I shall try to remember to bring my umbrella.
Something I never seem to be able to X:

I love playing 'Trace'.
It's really addictive :DD
Love the cute stickman and the colourful sea creatures etc.

Momma is flying off tonight again and she's coming back like in a week and a half's time D:
Oh well I hope she'll have a good time :D
She just gave me like a thousand packets of m&m's and chocolate bars heehee I LIKE, THANK YOU(!)

I am finally using the computer now ahahah after many days of using my phone's super small screen and having to squint at the minute buttons and ending up tapping the wrong button ahahhaha.

Went for jap buffet for dinner last night and ohhhh my gosh I ate so much I AM GONNA BURST O.O
And then had two lunches today oh no so full and fattening.

I am so dreading the results sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh.

Jean Lin came over early in the morning haha then we took a bus to orchard :D
She decided not to go to sentosa afterall ahahaha and she brought me yummy cookies from subway (:
Walked to The Cathay and bought tickets for he's just not that into you hahah IT WAS HILARIOUS I TELL YOU(!)
the girl was super cute ahahahah.
Ate at fish and co and we shared the ultra big jungle freeze and a plate of fish and chips :)
Lady came with the receipt and ahahahah I don't wanna talk about it it was so super duper embarrassing and the lady was staring as if I were some sort of nutcase :O
Went to heeren to find jean's num bags.
The ones she likes are the ones I don't, our tastes are like galaxies apart man :/
Then we went to plaza sing and bought stuff and yeahhhhh was really sad that jiehui couldn't go )))):
Must go next time yeahhhh :D

I can't believe how useful this wifi thingy is haha but msn is real hard to type and YouTube is so slowwwwww D:
Okay buhbye Joan luvs y'all :D

Oh I am blogging from my phone(!)
I feel so stupid cos I always thought that I have to pay to use for the Internet and I didn't know safari was using wifi = free!
I feel so stupid hahaha why now then I realize eheheheh. :D

Didn't go yf today cos mother said she wanted to have dinner with me and guess what? We didn't go or dinner but we ordered pizza instead ):
I am quite excited about tomorrow(!) :D
Orchard/sentosa/vivo with jean the smelly brown alien with orange braces friend an dearest jiehui the little cheekopek {:
really hope ah hui can make it yeahhhh (:

Watching evan almighty now hahaha it's really funny.
Steve carell is funny ESP ESP ESP with his beard thing hahaha he was hilarious in get smart too :)
Watched vantage point yesterday it was goooood ;)
Hahaha I can't wait to watch the second half of slumdog millionaire.
and hopefully, can catch he's just not that into you tomorrow I hope hahaha it's gonna stop screening soon.

I passed history and geog and math YAY I AM HAPPY AM HAPPY AM HAPPY AM HAPPY.
I am happy :DD

Okay evan almighty is becoming soppy right now with his White as snow beard eheheh :O
The little kiddo there is cute heeheehee.
It's so sad right now(!!)

My brother is crazy. He keeps singing britney's circus and he keeps reciting his thirty-eight digits of pi.
HAHA he izzzzzz kuckoo. Kuckoo kuckoo.

I am getting a headache sigh.
A bit hard to type here hahaha I need a thousand or more finger muscles to continue typing man so goodbye luv you all :D

28 Feb 09, 17:02
&♥SZEYING\: Yesyesyes I wnt to see your drippy nose :B Sadddd. You are bck to normal. xD Im NOT EVIL! ;D

26 Feb 09, 21:41
jean: hello :D i'm bored. i love you to bits nincompoop! XD
- Awwwwww(!) SO TOUCHING I LOVE YOU TOOOOO. Hahhaha what's with the i hate dont know what thingy that you wrote in my phone O.O PINK BAG OMG SO SUPER PRETTY AYE!

26 Feb 09, 13:00
Melissa: Jie :D Relink, crazy-inyourheart@bs :) (L)
- Hahahha kayyy :D


We got evacuated out of school today O.O
Cos some construction site beside our school had some incident and then they had those big black army trucks there so cool!
Hmmmm and we got class tee today ahahha just in time for road run tomorrow :D
I'm really happy that our class rooms have air-cons now yay yay yay but like its real cold cos I'm sitting in front of it O:
Like there'll be this occasional icy blast of wind thing at the right side its soooo shiok :D

Yiyan is weirdddddddddd. She keeps pinching and pulling and pressing my cheeks O.O
Errrrrr gross? EHEHEHE I spat in her face and she kept whining about it for the whole day mannnnnnn )':

It's beeeen so rainnyyyyy and I am so glad I found my pink umbrella but let's just hope I'll remember to bring it to school (:

Road run tomorrow at west coast park and then lunch with jeslyn yuwan yiyan limin I think heeheeheeeheeheee. I AM TIRED.


Marley & me on sat was real good :D
It was so sad mother and I were crying buckets and Darryl didn't he is so heartless I think(!)
And then watched half of Slumdog Millionaire.
That show is really goooood see the slums and I feel so fortunate and lucky I shall try to complain less now.
Don't have time to watch the other half. Sighhhhhh D:

Omg I love Garfield eheheheheheh (L)

Awwww mother went to buy some collector's edition monopoly.
It's like disney and its realllllyyyy cute :D
And like its not hotels and houses its like depending on the title deed you buy and the thingy varies hahaha like buy one flower two flower and instead of hotels its buy a tree HAHAHAH SO CUTE.
HAHAHAHAHAH I. am. crazzzzzyyyy. yes. yes.

Chloe and I are quite similar I think. In stuff we do and things I'll be damn sad when she's gone she's the bessssst :D
She dropped her phone in the toilet bowl. Following in my footsteps tsk (:

And while doggy is licking my foot,

Sorry I forgot and stuff and I wished you only in the morn but really I thank God for an awesome friend like you! :D
Really glad to have met you ahahhah I still don't know who the 2 people we talk about are omg omg hahahah study hard okay don't be discouraged/depressed omg WE HAVE TO HAVE STUDY SESSIONS hahahah we always plan stuff that dont come true one awwwwman and pastamania soon again yeahhhh love shopping with you :D

In advance!
Can't imagine life without you guys!
Jiehui thanks for following me everywhere and thanks for being the camwhore kaki(!!)
HAHAHAH ALL THE UNGLAM ME ONES and love you and your pretty bnags OMG SEE?! Told you to cut now so cute ahhahaha Okay we the toilet people and I know I can always count on you yeahhhhhhhhhh :D
Thanks yiyan for making me laugh in geog HAHAHAH I TOUCH YOUR LEGS CAN OR NOT EWWWWW.
Hahahahah and for talking to me these days quite fun huh sitting near you I LIKE.
Thanks lisa hahaha you always cheer me up in the morns I LOVE YOUUUUUUU hahahah you're really fun to sit with in the morning and I THINK IM GONNA FAIL MY CHINESEEEEEEEEEEE. I left 20 marks blank out of 50 marks okay i am gonna fail but I love you anyway, though you passed :D AWWWW.
Thanks Yingling I REMEMBER OUR FSD OKAY(!!!!) But I don't know the date sorry! April or August I think I LOVE YOU MY KINDERGARTEN SISTA!:D
Thanks Joemin HAHAHA we were in the same group in Shum's class awwwman love you tonnnnnnns YOU NEVER REPLY MY LETTER HMPH. And we have to go out near your bday kay ily!

Don't hang up, can't we talk
So confused it's like I'm lost
What went wrong, what made you go
Don't pretend you don't know
This is me I'm unchangable