
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Your eyes don't lie.

I did not do my art. :(
And the deadline was today and I didn't really expect Miss Kee to be so strict about it.
Art teacher's away on course (heeheehee) But Miss Kee still wanted us to hand it in :(
Had to rush out the march holidays project in one day okay!!
Not even one day it was a few hours!
Passed it up without even colouring ahahahha oh no shit I think I'm going to fail art again :(
She gave us a good almost half an hour lecture and tried to implement a new punishment - the cleaning up of the classroom.
Well she gave us 2 choices. The first being having to switch off the air-conditioner, the second being, you guess it!, cleaning up the classroom.
Everyone settled for the latter but I seriously would rather have the formal.

I love the morning rains these few days.
Doesn't it make you feel so refreshed and rejuvenated?
Well it does for me :D
Went outside for a breather during class today and I realise that sitting in the air-conditioned room, we all have been missing the really cooling breeze which was so awesome.
Okay I hope more morning rains now on :)
Afternoon and evening rains not really my thing :(
But I really don't like the crackle of thunder and the bolts of lightning.
They freak me out =x

Yesterday's American Idol.
I missed Kris Allen, pity!
Dad says he looks like Brad Pitt O.O
He was super. Having descended from the stairs with *gasps!* PINK LIGHTS!! And he was like singing his heart out, whoa whoa.
The glasses guy was not bad, he received fab comments too :)
Matt was okay.. A tad bit disappointing with his "My Funny Valentine".
It was good but it was a hard song, Simon Cowell liked it though! It was great lah actually, the amount of effort was commendable but it was a hard song I guess. :)
Still, Adam Lambert will win idol! (I HOPE WITH FINGERS CROSSED)
Oh crikey, the channel 5 adverts are SCARY O.O
Freaking me out.
Was watching part of redthread just now, are they like trying to make it seem very professional and posh nosh? Seems so!

Hmmmm went for math tuition today and Jiehui pangsehed me :(
Took a bus with Tanji heehee.
Oh guess what? Bus rides for me are nightmaric!
Especially on a super jam packed bus.
I just can't keep my balance!
I'll keep falling here and there and losing my balance and staggering here and there oh someone help me :( It's so embarrassing plus all the squeaking I make while I'm losing my balance.
Ninja warriors is mad - sorry off topic but heehee its funny.

Alighted at the bus stop at teacher's house when I saw someone in brown and white unifrom jumping out of his seat and I was like, "that guy is so weird."
AND GUESS WHO THAT "WEIRD GUY" WAS?? Hahahh WHO KNEW it was Siyuan! Goooodnezz me haven't seem him for a million years hahahahah omg it was funny.
Like super coincidence can or not. Didn't get to see his ultra short "bangs" though :((((( Sigh oh well.
Catching up with him currently!
Fell asleep during tuition was DEAD TIRED.
Teacher was nice and let me sleep for awhile (:
And she gave me marshmallows heeheeheeHEE.

Math! A 9/10 for the test super disappointing! Top score is 12/10 which is so doable but guezz whatzz the test was on simultaneous inequalities like the funnest topic ever and I drew all the wrong signs!! >:( Grrrrrrr!
I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I was so sad okay then I realised that life goes on, no? :)
History was okay! AT LEAST I knew all the facts! Amaaaaaziiiing how I just copied out the whole chapter and then I knew everything already it was a miracle.
But forgot to memorize the format for judgement questions, structured essays etc.
Oh welllll hope I did okay =x

P.e. was fun today heehee the challenges whoa.
Mr Chan punished us cos some people were "slacking" and I think I was included? =x
Well but I wasn't slacking, we just lost our way that's all :(

I am so anticipating 10 0'clock = Angmoh Idol results whoohoo!!

I'm getting fatter as we speak oh no!


I saw you yesterday,
It's been a while
You tried but failed
At holdin' back your smile right then
It's not over yet, i knew, for you

(you see)
I couldn't sleep
I thought of nothin' else
I needed help
Everyone was tellin' me
You were movin' on with someone else
But what we had was so special
People can be jealous, oh
I had to see it for myself

I can see it in your eyes
You feel the same about us as i
There is no way the truth can be disguised
You're still in love with me
You were never really out of love with me
Your eyes don't lie

I know i hurt ya,
I know you are hurtin' still (mmm, yeah)
But i'll make it up to you
Yeah, baby, i will
'cause what we had was so special
You know we can't give it up
Now that i'ma lookin' at you i can see

I can see it in your eyes (your eyes)
You feel the same about us as i
There is no way (there is no way) the truth can be disguised
You're still in love with me
You were never really out of love with me
Your eyes don't lie
And they never will, girl

Oh, now that i know
We were apart but your heart never let go
So thank you for showin' me with one look
What used to be, and still is, a possibility

I can see it in your eyes
You feel the same about us as i
There is no way the truth can be disguised
You're still in love with me
You were never really out of love with me
Your eyes don't lie
Your eyes don't lie

This song really brings a smile to my face hahaha it's so CUTE.

Agyness Deyn is a tigerrrrrrr :) Rah rah rah.

Omg Chanel's website is so noisy :( I want Chanel's PINK 2.55 lambskin clutch!
AWESOME awesome omg its so pretty!

Still reading Bryanboy HAHAHA omg FEROSHAAAAAAAA :D

That's all.

The stars will be blind.

No!! It ISN'T Michael Jackson.




*GASPS!!!* (I know!!!!!)


Oh no... Rihanna in a Balmain jacket which is so MJ's signature perky shoulder style.
And the hair, so very MJ.
My eyes are widening at this very moment (In shock just so you know) and I can't believe it oh no..
I always liked Rihanna but oh well I still like her heehee :)
What happened to her cropped cut? Don't tell me she cropped it off and went for curls :( I will cry!!
Okay found that on bryanboy anyway.

I'm really in the exclamation-mark mood. They should come up with that in livejournal eh. Has a nice ring to it and very very practical.

Hahah omg bryanboy.com is funny ha ha ha.
Marc Jacobs made a bag NAMED AFTER HIM.
"I'm so gay, I sweat glitter." Best.

Ash Stymest omg!!
Ash Stymest omg!!
Ash Stymest omg!!
Ash Stymest omg!!
Ash Stymest omg!!
(HAHA okay shut up I know!)

Dinners these few days have been



Hahah yeah I know seriously its exciting :)
Like new dishes finally and cool stuff oh salad oh salad (all part of the fab diet plan :D)
Salad dressing is fattening oh no, but oh well.

Okay a miserable B4 for biology.
Not exactly my ideal mark but there it was, printed on the result slip and I just felt my heart sink right to my (fragrant) feet.
A B4 for biology?!?!?! You got to be kidding me sigh.
With everything else failing and all and this grade shows up I swear there wasn't anything worth living for AT THAT MOMENT.
Till I came home and saw all the real yummy chocolates and candies sitting in the fridge. Life has tons of meaning after all :D

Today was quite dead.
Was like in a daze during d&t.
Kept wrapping our metal frame with newspaper.
Twirling it round and round and round and round (it goes on) and didn't respond to Jiehui till she called my name for like the 5th time.
Cripes, I'm so sorry!
I think the cute little pig we are doing is really adorable!!
Okay maybe scratch the cute cos cute = ugly but adorable right?
But dearest pig isn't ugly no it's super ADORABLE.

Shucks I know I'm starting to crap and all shucks shucks times a billion.
P was horrible during geog oh fairy cupcakes she was a thousand ughs.
Feel asleep through her lesson I seriously don't know what she taught today :(

Math oh no was so sad Mr. Chee did not return our test papers after all.
I seriously can't afford to make any mistakes math is like the only subj you can get 100% in?
Cos its just one answer, its doable and I have to do it.
Okay I'm trying to believe that sentence also lah k.
I just have to chant this like a million times a day right?
And then it'll sink in. (I HOPE)

Studied history today whoohoo history test tomorrow!
If I fail then gg lah.
Suez canal.. The Sepoy Mutiny aka The Mutiny of the 5th Native Light Infantry.. The Industrial Revolution (1750-1850).. Steamships.. The Cape of Good Hope.. World War I.. Central and Allied Powers.. The Ottoman Empire.. The Emden.. And, THE GREAT DEPRESSION.

All this studying has sent me into A great depression.
A slightly varied version from the original.
Okay make that very varied version.
Fine, WORLD-APART version that holds no similarities.

Oh crikey, I think I'm really sod already. (JIEHUI YOU WIN.)

Take me where I've never been
Help me on my feet again
Show me that good things come to those who wait
Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Baby, when you look at me
Tell me what do you see
Are these the eyes of someone you could love?
'Cause everything that brought me here
Well, now it all seems so clear
Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love

Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes
Bring me to my knees and make me cry
And no one's ever done this
Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know

This is where it all begins
So tell me it will never end
I can't fool myself, it's you and no one else

If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Show me that good things come to those who wait

You can - David Archuleta

Hahahah okay math pop quiz was a surprise.. Literally POP.
Did not really know how to do a few questions? Which really sucked but at least now I know which parts I need to work on and buck up.
:) Omg I am so movational! (for myself) ahahha I just need to mean what I say, don't I? :) :) :) :) smiley frenzy I think.

Heard that all geog topics are tested for eoy?
Oh no I'm already starting to feel scared. My hair's standing up already!!

Joey is using my phone for her art!
(Speaking about art.. I haven't done mine.. I'm so dead.)
Back to the point: she's using my phone for art heehee!
Doesn't it feel good when you inspire somebody? Okay maybe in a super indirect way but HA! Quite a funny feeling oh well.

Maid is going home in 6 months time and I'm really sad.
She's family. She taught me how to cook. How to take a bus. How to take the mrt. How to cross the road and look out for cars. She taught me my manners. Canned me when I needed it. Scolded me when I was rude. Listened to my problems. Taught me how to bake and wash up. Taught me how to iron, fold the clothes, set the oven etc. Talked to me whenever I quarrel with my parents and urge me to apologise cos parents are the greatest ever. Remind me to pray every night. Help me shower doggy and feed her. Accompany me to watch american idol, project runway, movies, drama serials at night when no one watches with me. Shares with me her soft drinks and food and kfc. Buys tons of stuff for me. And tons more other stuff and I'll be devastated when she goes :(
She's been staying before my brother was born and he's 12 this year sigh sigh sigh will really miss her tons and everytime she scolded me I'll be really angry with her but now I really think all those little scoldings really made an impact in my life.

I'm sad.

Time to be happy now see you.


P/S. I'm waiting for american idol at 10 omg isn't it so exciting not knowing who's gonna get the boot? WHOOHOO ADAM LAMRBERTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. You are best :) Kris Allen Might be second. Is that how to spell his name shoot.

P/S/S. Sorry couldn't stand the light-greyish font colour so -tada!- here's jet black.

P/S/S/S. Quite afraid about the swine flu going-ons. Seems rather freaky hey? Omg I am so scared for the little piggies! They are so cute (yes this time I mean ugly but adorable) and PINK!!! Oh no bless them all.

Strike Two - I'm out.

I'm sorry I know I keep posting and all but please, don't mind me please!!
Little angsty teenagers oh noooo tsk tsk WE ALL NEED A GOOD JAB OF HAPPINESS AND SOMEONE PLANT SEEDS OF HAPPINESS INTO OUR VERY (rather temperamental sometimes) HEARTS.
Please refer to Edward Monkton's cute picture of a colourless heart with colourless flowers sprouting out if you don't get what I'm saying which I highly suspect you don't. So check it out k oh boy he is sooooo inspirational.
Never fails to fill me with inspirations, in short, he never fails to inspire me.
Heehee okay don't know why I'm so crappy today. I even sent out smses in Chinese!!
Must be real mad eh :)
I owe my Chinese teacher 23 jian baos and still counting! Tick tick tick.

I finally found out why my chinese is lousy.
When I was in kindergarten, my Chinese was already like that and the lao shi always wanted to speak to my mom and being the mom my mom is, she found all sorts of excuse to avoid seeing my lao shi but one day, she did. (I can still remember okay! We were all sitting solemnly on those teeny plastic woobly chairs.)
Lao shi kept emphasizing on how I should improve my Chinese but my mom said, "who needs to study chinese at that age?"
Those were her exact words kay hahahha no I don't remember it but cos we were discussing about it and that's what she said.
And she quickly added on that she regrets now HAHA.
End of story. The end. Nope, no happy ending.

Mom is the meanest.
Kept tempting me with KFC's tender juicy scrumptious delicious meaty FINGER LICKIN' GOOD drumsticks.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Mean. Evil. And she keeps going on about buffets whatsoever.
And then when dinner comes she scoops me a extremely tiny portion of rice.
Wait, tinier than tiny. Teenier than teeny. Smaller than small.
Or maybe even atom.
I fail chem by the way.
Back to the topic, see how mean mother is tempting me with all sorts of food not to mention the packet of famous amos' she bought for my brother.
We had a hard time playing tug-o-war with it.
Oh wellllll but after reading those newspaper articles,
I am quite glad I have a mean mom rather than a scary torturous isane heartless mom.

Tired of dad saying that I am mental just cos I try to be environMENTAL.
Mean eh? Oh well meanies heh heh heh P:

Sorry I keep posting like a million times and editing them.
That's cos I post when I'm bored, when I have nothing to do etc.
And those random bits of information and weird cooky (new word of the day: cooky. And no, it does not have to do with the word cook or kitchen or food or hairdryer. No meaning, I'll leave it up to your imagination :D except those 4 words k)
Ya ya ya ya ya mom just freaked me out from what she said I am scared :(

Goodnight you all while I go back to scratching that little irritating scab on my calve. Sheesh.
Useless info once again shucks I am so crappy you should just delete me right out of your daily who's-blog-should-I-read list.


The cookies weren't that bad after all :)
Managed to cut them into indentifyable shapes and they tasted great! :D
However, 20/100 on the aesthetics side though :(
Baked the second batch just now it's in the fridge!
Now why they were watery yesterday cos cousin read teaspoon as tablespoon hence almost double of the liquidy stuff.
Tried to make sure nothing went wrong today but I added too much egg white :(
Pft, so much for being careful.
But as I peek into the oven, the cookies seem like little brown puddles oh no!
Hope it's going to be okay..
And a tad bit too much red food colouring in the icing resulted in a dark shade of fuschia, definitely not the pretty light pink I was going for.
Well hope it will turn out ok!

Hand stirred the dough and my arm muscles are hurting like who knows what.
Shucks pain pain pain!

Today was a much better day than yesterday.
Except for Chinese marks 3.5/35.
Oh wow. :( groan.
English test tomorrow. History test on Thursday I think I am going to faint with all the tests.
And I don't get the Suez Canal, the industrial revolution and WWI at all.
Someone enlighten me please. D:

"What happened to your eyes? You look like you're dying."
Thanks a lot yeah. :(

Tuition in half and hours time.
Hope my cookies bake by then ><
Keep your fingers crossed.
For my sake! (and the cookies!)

The 4-letter F word - FAIL

Creme Brulee - failed.
Shortbread cookies w icing - failed.

Okay I'm not sure about latter but it's currently in the oven right now and they all joined together :(
I'm to blame - was lazy to bake 2 batches so I squeezed everything together sigh.
And the mixture was too sticky so couldn't use cookie cutters which I was so excited to use of.
So rounded, or rather weird-shaped, cookies theyshall be then :(
And I made too much delectable pink icing.
They look so yummy it was so hard to resist slurping up the gooey thick baby pink mixture right out of it's very bowl.
Have no idea what went wrong.
Followed the recipe so closely.
Any closer and I'll go cock-eyed.
And yet it turned too gooey, too sticky. :(
Everything seems to suck today.

School passed pretty quickly mmmm.
Pe tried out the 5 stations and I don't know what happened to my incline pull ups.
Year 2007 - 27 pull ups
Year 2008 - 17 pull ups


Year 2009 - <5 pull ups.

Shitty much?
Wait let me answer that for you. VERY SHITTY.
today was such a gloomy day oh gosh never felt any dead-er.
Was like so no mood at all. And it's not only me okay.
Tests all coming up I have no idea what I'm tested and I don't understand a single thing.

Icing still waiting for me to apply it on the no-shape cookies. :(
Welllll at least it's pretty pink.
And I stained my shorts with red food-colouring but thank goodness I went to scrub it real quick. :)
And my whole black shirt is now a frosty-White colour with all the flour and all :'(
Plans of making ginger(short)bread man and woman are dashed.
Now instead lies rectangular thingys stuck to each other oh wow oh wow oh wow major failure man :(
Hope it will taste okay at the very least.
Was supposed to be for someone's present sigh!

Oh wait, happy belated birthday Benjamin Eng hahah.
Lazy to make font size larger sorry using phone lazy type out the code.

Fruit juice tycoon is an awesome phone game.
I lost my Sims 2 disc shucks :(((((((((((((((((((((((
Am such an idiot today.

There's someone I need to thank.
Hmmmm thanks for making the effort alright.
The effort of asking me out and I was predicting a super moody outing cos you're such in a bad mood lately it is scary.
But surprisingly you did not show that side of you today.
Could see you were extremely stressed up about the situations lately but thanks for that effort heehee :)

Met Y at shell, there's some not-right going-ons and I think I know what.
Really hope it's not what I think it is.

Hope the icing can harden later on.

I need a lifeline asap.


Jiehui: Hello darlingxxx! :DYou must cheerup too k. (: Hahaha Zac Efron is hot. :D
Hello friend! Thank you so much okay I'll try :) Yes oh boyyyyyy super hot omg I am melting. Zaccccccccc!

kelmond: nice skinnnn joan :)
Um thanks! But quite plain ):

Church today!
Was supposed to take a bus there with brother but mom was kind and picked us up :)
Didn't have lessons in classes but had talk thingy about religions.
Rather interesting I would think.
Went for sermon, didn't sing for choir though cos did not attend last week's.
Sermon was about marriage and commitment etc, hahaha.
Went off to west mall after that cos parents needed to buy groceries and stuff.
Dropped brother off at SCS club cos he had some birthday party to attend. Bowling I think.
And his friend happened to be a gaga fan so we bought him her album.
Was supposed to go to Cafe Cartel (I have been craving for their ribs for the whole week!) but cos we were already at wm so might as well have lunch there eh.
Bought Jean's present finally! :)
Heeheehee then went home lah.
Am supposed to cook up some nice dinner with my ma but was feeling lazy so takeaway I guess.

Sigh really hope July would fly here.. ):

I know I really look like a clown there but it happened to be one of the few pictures I have with her kay taken during art class ahahha. Okay I really miss her right now makes me think about the past so sentimental, so nostalgic sigh.

I have this sinking feeling
Something's weighing me down
I am completely saturated
The waves are crashing closer
My feet already drowned
Doing the thing I said I hated

They've been swimming in the wrong water
Now they're pulling me down
But I am clinging to you, never letting go
'Cos I know that you'll lift me out

Have your way here
Keep me afloat 'cos I know I'll sink without you
Take this ocean of pain that is mine
Throw me a lifeline

Wake up feeling convicted
I know something's not right
Re-acquaint my knees with the carpet
I have to get this out

'Cos it's obstructing you and I
Dry up the seas that keep us parted

'Cos they've been swimming in the wrong waters
And now they're pulling me down
But I am clinging to you, never letting go
'Cos I know that you are gonna pull me out

xoxoxxoxo j

Please tell me she is the cutest :)
Hahah I know she looks sad in the other 3 photos oh well I scrubbed her and fed her and brushed her already still like that :(
Notice her cute shoes!!

I've had better.

Calm your nerves now
And dont worry
Just breathe

Are you sure now
Don't bother packing
Let's just leave
Said they wanted change
I hope that you remain the same
To show that this is not a game
Let's end this tragedy today

Now take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that i know
How did this night become the enemy

It's over, it's over, it's over

Lay down with me
And let me hold you, baby just breathe
This is ending
We will get through eventually
Said they wanted change
I hope that you remain the same
To show that this is not a game
Let's end this tragedy today

Take my hand and we will run away
Down to this place that i know
How did this night become the enemy
It's over, it's over, it's over now

we won't be a part of
we won't be a part of this
we won't be a part of
we won't we won't

Take my hand - The Cab

Definitely not my best week.
This whole week was horrible.
Everyday was so gloomy and I would often find myself staring into space, deep in thought about recent events.
If it's not someone who interrupted, then it's something you have to do, or something else caught your attention.
I never managed to complete that sentence I've been trying to tell you.
Maybe it just isn't important, maybe you had better things to do.
Oh well no point in me trying to say something yet never get heard.
Tired of trying so hard to do something yet you don't care.
And then when I start trying not so hard, I get scolded for smallest things.
It really sucks when you put in so much effort yet see nothing.

Super lousy week I hope things will take a turn for the better.

Shantelle, I really hope that you will cheer up and remember to thank God for what He has given you kay.
Things may seem bleak and all but always remember that everything happens for a reason and things WILL get better.

Jia, don't be stressed and all. Do what you think you'll be able to do. I know it's easier said than done but you'll know what you can take on and what you can't. An amazing opportunity, decide wisely alright? If you really can't handle it all, then don't kay. The schedule is really tight.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
Something I've been trying so hard to believe and I really hope to be able to find this silver lining.

Being able to watch Zac Efron in 17 again was a plus.
He was hot the girls in the theatre were squealing at the mere sight of him.
Well, a girl can dream right?

Feel really invisible right now. Life is terrible at the moment.
Bear with me I'm so sorry if I made your day worse.

Sometimes I'll just have to think about the plus side and not think about the bad side at all.
You just have to forget it all and start a fresh start.
Woke up extremely early and finished all my homework.
Great new start :)
Shopping later with Yiyan.


Horrifying dream last night, let's hope it doesn't come true.


jean: (don't miss me)
24 Apr 09, 22:14
jean: whoohoo toooooddlllessss (don'
24 Apr 09, 22:14
jean: LIKE YOU XD whoohoo see you and MY carebear on monday (i hope you remembered to get it) D:
24 Apr 09, 22:13
jean: forever there :D btw your text box sucks how come only can type so little word tsk tsk so loser,
24 Apr 09, 22:13
jean: hello thankyou i love you manys aww cheer up yehh you can talk to me whenever you want to i'll be
- Thanks LIN FENG JUN I love you too (: Yea something wrong with my tagboard :( AND YES CAREBEAR :D

23 Apr 09, 19:19
Jiehui: tmr darling and you can edit the words limit at cbox.ws lahzxc. (:
23 Apr 09, 19:19
Jiehui: HELLO DARLING. (: CHeerup k. Today is not the best day but tmr will be a better day k. (: See you
- Okay thanks friend :) My cbox is kookoo :(

23 Apr 09, 19:16
kelmond: :(
22 Apr 09, 21:23
- HAHA heyy.

22 Apr 09, 18:57
SHANTELLE: AND THEN IT POSTED SO OHWELL I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY and the word limit is like whoa short much.
22 Apr 09, 18:56
- Yes I know was trying out then I saved all by mistake and lost all the originals. ):

22 Apr 09, 16:35
Christina: http://redsports.sg/2009/04/14/vote-cross-country/#comment-36525
22 Apr 09, 16:34
Christina: Please go t this website & vote for ALICIA KHO. Err, please, MUST okay. :X Thanks. http://reds
- Alright :D

21 Apr 09, 21:14
Tanji: Chicken sandwich. Lmaooooo!

You hurt me already now go away but why do you keep appearing!
Sigh it sucks when you don't know what you should feel.
I don't know(!) :(((((((((((

Can't sync phone with itunes.
They keep saying something like you have to reinstall itunes? But I reinstalled it like five times and it still doesn't work :(
And the phone thingy is supposed to auto pop out but it doesnt k suckzxc I'm failing everything shitz.

Do you know how lucky you are.
No wait, you don't.

Not exactly what I'd call an awesome day


Well I don't know how to say this right
And the world's got me choking
I keep hitting this wall
It's never gonna fall
And we're still broken

This mountain we've been trying to climb
It's never ending
Just can't do nothing, gotta do something
Cause if we'd opened up our eyes,
We're just pretending

Well there's a time for giving up
Didn't wanna have to say it
All we do is build the walls
And now there's too many barriers

Here we are, now you're here
It's our last final goodnight
Just because it feels so good
No use pretending we're alright

Too many locks, too many crimes,
Too many tears, too many lies
Too many barriers,
Just too many barriers

Now we've been draging this whole thing out
But I can't wait any longer
Our love's burning down, creeping in the dawn
We're not getting any stronger
I hear you saying that we're doing OK, but baby I don't think so
Just can't do nothing, gotta do something
Cause if I don't get into my car, I won't go very far

Well there's a time for giving up
Didn't wanna have to say it
All we do is build the walls
And now there's too many barriers

Here we are, now you're here
It's our last final goodnight
Just because it feels so good
No use pretending we're alright

Too many locks, too many crimes,
Too many tears, too many lies
Too many barriers,
Just too many barriers

That we keep running into
Been trying, but we just can't break through
I know I'm gonna keep wishing that was with you
But we just gotta stop

Here we are, now you're here
It's our last final goodnight
Just because it feels so good
No use pretending we're alright

Too many locks, too many crimes,
Too many tears, too many lies
Too many barriers,
Just too many barriers

Please leave me alone.

Chinese - 2/26.
Napfa 2.4 30seconds to an A.

Phone died today and revived whoohoo.
Sorry Jean your present on Monday okay? Love you (:
I'm so so so sorry.

One screwed skin after another I'm so sorry people.
Shucks not sure why but the skins are so disgusting shucks.

At least I have tomorrow and Saturday to look forward to. (:
Shopping and movie! Really need to go out yeahhhhh.



Yay I even managed to do qt okay! :)

Did not score well for my math test.
Careless mistakes all the way sigh I really need to be more careful.
Marks are so demoralizing I dare not receive bio and Chinese paper.
Geog marks were totally shitz - just passed.
Like on the dot.

Rushed home after school today but was late home.
Changed and went to Somerset with mom hahaha I didn't buy anything awww.
Took a bus to west mall and the bus was so packed I had to stand all the way :(
Passed by school and Liangzhi and Wayne boarded the bus ahahahah.
The journey was soooooo long almost died.
Met brother at westmall and went to eat at pastamania.
Saw some primary school friend there!
awwww man I miss primary school :(
Bought a new cover for my phone cos my pink one broke shucks the new one's White cos there wasn't pink 'cept some ugly metallic one which was definitely a no way.
Got black at first but it had a defect and there wasn't anymore black so oh welllllll but White is nicer I think, matches the phone.
Bought some stuff over there and dad came and managed to change my bedsheets bought the wrong size and they didn't have the design I wanted shucks so settled for the nicer pink one left hahah very cute okay got carousals one.
But still preferred the other one but oh welllll.
And guess what! I forgot to buy the most important thing - jean's present.
And her birthday is tomorrow shhhhhhhhhhitttttt.
I'm like the worst friend there is on earth righto.
2.4 run tomorrow hope tomorrow will be one of my good days sigh my running is so unpredictable it sucks to be me.
Did not get any homework done today at all cos I just got back.
Hope I'm not backsliding =x

I'm blogging with my phone now which means...
Shall never take it for granted again and there's no such thing as repair so hope it won't dieeeee on meeeeee ever again.

Weather was and is a killer.
I really need a glass of water. See you sweet!

Forever & Always

Well everyone can dream right?

Sigh I wish life's like fairy tales.
Nothing ever goes wrong. Or it resolves quickly and everything will be ok and there's be a happy ending.

Okay reality. Sucks a bit.
Wellllllll do you know what it feels like when you found out someone's been using up at an alarming rate what you've been taking forever to save up for?
The feeling sucks okay. :(

Yay I'm bucking up.
Been doing ALL my homework okay and that is a drastic improvement from like doing barely even one piece.
I shall not really look at all the past pieces of homework but I shall start from now :) YAY YAY YAY.
Hope I'll have the discipline to continue this mannnnnnn. :O
Feel bad for mom all she ever wants is just for me to pass and improve even by the teeniest bit she won't mind.
And I feel very lag behind also hmmmmm.

Guess what I think I've been bitten by the environmental bug and speaking of bitten I just bitten by a mosquito like JUST this very second okay maybe last very second.
Fine. Last very few seconds ago.
Today was an okay day I guess average cake was cool they played with it and it was gross ugh ugh like brown lumpy lifeless thingys floating omg YUCK.
The classroom is freeeeezing omg I swear I'm gonna get frostbites on my hands soon like they are sooooo cold I have to sit on them or something and keep moving my legs around if not they'll just drop off.
Exaggerating but not kidding okay heehee.

And Jiehui keeps thinking about saturday's __________!
HAHAH hilarious I tell you pity I don't get to see eh no cameras allowed awman and thanks for buying cellophane friend!
Need to catch up with alot of people, shoooooot.

Looking out of the window, realised the sky is extremely gloomy :(
Ain't good at all sigh makes my mood drop a thousand feet.
Still haven't managed to get my room painted and done up or wallpapered or something.
Most stuff's pink then the wall's blueeeeeeee shuckZXXXXC.

Hot weather makes everyone grumpy I like to talk to my tutor its good and nice to talk about stuff with someone who doesn't really know the exact stuff and everything sigh sigh sigh sigh itchy over here my fingers hurt.

Okay nevermind brain freeze dont know what to type yah kay not even crap or something off the top of my head so maybe laterrrrrrrrrrrr.


Two people owe of some stuff huh *WINK WINKKKKKK*

Stomach muscles hurt shucks maybe overstretched it. And the ribs part ouch ouch ouchies ouch. I don't even exercise or anything and it hurts okay maybe thats precisely why it hurts.
Or I'm growing even fatter SHUCKS hope thats not the case.

Airplanes flying above my house emits scary noises.

And it rains in your bedroom everything is wrong
It rains when you’re here and it rains when you’re gone
Cause I was there when you said forever and always

SHANTELLEEEs: HELLO DARLING! haha shucks i want hey monday songs too kay (: mm and omg that omega photo is complet
21 Apr 09, 20:09
SHANTELLEEEs: HELLO DARLING! haha shucks i want hey monday songs too kay (: mm and omg that omega photo is complet
21 Apr 09, 20:08
SHANTELLEEEs: HELLO DARLING! haha shucks i want hey monday songs too kay (: mm and omg that omega photo is complet

- HAHA I don't understand D: Don't know why my tagboard limit so short? D: Yes will send you when your computer's feeling better :D Heehee and somethign about omega nite photo hahahah.

21 Apr 09, 15:59
SZEYING! :D♥: ♥♥♥

- hey!

19 Apr 09, 23:27
he kai: WHOA, omg. lol. tag board poped up so small then enlarge become so big. haha.

- Haha its the normal size when you don't enlarge. (:

19 Apr 09, 22:00
aaron: dead sea mud spa haha i did before! in israel:D

-OMG ISRAEL is it fun! :)

19 Apr 09, 20:24
kelmond: the weather seriously suckkkk :(


19 Apr 09, 12:57
Jiehui: Susan Boyle is gooooood. (: Hehehe. :D

- yeah! :D

18 Apr 09, 23:29
Joey: ur post so wordy ):

- Yeah sorry :( :(

18 Apr 09, 21:49
jean: hello :D i love you!!


16 Apr 09, 21:53
kelmond: lol. halo :D

- hey!

14 Apr 09, 22:26
Jia: I'm th socialble one okay? :D

- haha ok!

14 Apr 09, 19:05
Jiehui: Yo joannnn. :D Goodluck fr tmr's GEOG hehehe. ;D Gogogo! :D

- Wellll I owe you a thank you :D

Chiquita Banana.

If my phone is really dead then I think I'll cry.
Wouldn't trade it for anything else and mom will never buy me another one.

Did not go for choir after church but went to buy pink bedsheets and quilt covers today and I bought the wrong size shucks.
Haven't had meals with my family for months and that's sad right.
So was glad we all managed to go out together today heehee.
And I got a swatch ahhaha quite cute the moustache man caught my eye *wink wink*.
But it doesn't suit my skin tone but oh well eh the watch was cute and we can't have best of both worlds.
Bought Archuleta's album think I've been buying lots of albums recently.
There's a stupid mosquito flying around here sucks.
The weather (AGAIN I KNOW) is killing me sigh sigh sigh.

Okay tata shall try out photoshop cos I still don't know how to use it and continue my research on lifestyles adapted by green individuals shucks love the environment byebyebye people have a nice day ahhaha this is getting random I don't know what to say I know my posts are wordy can't help it sorry my bad.


Hahah so many people have been asking me where my tagboard disappeared to.

HEY MONDAY is awesome!! :D
Cousin has this crush on the lead singer person omg omg they're awesome hey hey hey monday (: I like kay.
Paul Potts is extraordinary too goodness imagine the guy who sells you mobile phones can actually sing awesome opera.

Lights out
I found out
My falling star
The sun rises here
There’s no more you and I


Oh I did change my skin sigh think it kinda sucks ):
I deleted all my links by accident shit that sucks right.
Okay nevermind, well at least its a change.

Susan Boyle

My cursor is a pretty banana which peels. :D

Sports day was yesterday :D
Classes ended at 1130 and we were given a whopping TWO hours to go find lunch.
Ate at the kfc at central and thank you Tanji for the mashed potatoes :D
Couldn't really east much so she gave that to me and thanks Jiehui for the few pieces of popcorn chicken ahhaha.
I read may's issue of Female faster than I finish Suiis' chocolate granola bar thing hahahah.
Been noticing that I always talk about the weather hahah sorry can't stand it.
Sweating like nobody's business mannnnnnn :(
Then went to the stadium at clementi 40 minutes early yay.
Watched the events and Ms Kee and Yuen Leng fell during the relay shucks man.
As in seriously like walking with me all the way to the other bus stop and to go change cos I needed to rush to church thanks k!!
Workshop at church by Evan quite good.
Made me think about all the stuff this week and I think I am a very self-centered person sigh sigh I think I'm becoming a worse person ):
Dinner after that with Shan and had heart-to-heart and it felt great pouring some stuff out but I really didn't know where to start and what to say.
Thanks for sharing with me your stuff too just pray about it and God will make a way yeah?
Stuff that we complain about and find annoying I just realised that sometimes, those stuff are what people have been wishing to have.
Stuff that I really wish to have are what people complain about.
Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side?
Or probably cos we think it's good or something but we have never really experienced it before and good stuff usually comes with some bad points too.
Walked Shan home ahha then walked to kap where dad mom brother were waiting then went to courts at close to 10pm and they were closing soon so we managed to get only bathroom mats. Shucks eh.
And mom bought subway cookies hahahaha.
And guess what mom and brother have been keeping from everybody, they sent doggy for a deap sea mud spa what the fairies even mom and I don't go for some mud spa whatever thing and the mud for doggy was actually shipped from the dead sea okay. Goodness gracious mom keeps spoiling doggy.
And she went to buy some treats which look like baked SHUCKS SUDDENLY I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT'S THE WORD for those real long baked bread from delifrance etc.
But doggy ones were smaller and harder hahaha and she bought ferrero lookalike treats too with the nuts and all and orange sorbet smelling conditioner whoa whoa my dog has a better life than me man!
Gets to sleep in the beanbags and have everything she wants but she's very naughty man D:
And mom pats her to sleep every night in the airconditioned room okay goodness my dog is so spoilt and she gets to go on beds and everything 'cept parents' bed cos dad doesn't like it and hahaha we must whisper when doggy's sleeping cos mom says it'll wake her up goodness gracious I have a spoilt puppy TSK TSK TSK!
Taylor Swift is currently crooning on the speakers and the speakers are spoilt ok.
Dad went to hook up the old old speakers cos he says the new ones aren't good but like one of the old one is spoilt so sound comes from one only and occasionally from both.
Studied and did homework (finally. need to buck up man.) in the morning but still have some leftover and then went to pack my room whoohoo!
Finally cleared shitloads of stuff and now it looks neater heh.
Brother is doing up his room right now hahaha he took the bigger room sigh I kinda regret giving him the room cos my room is so super small enough for a bed a table a wardrobe and two small bookshelves which are not enough.
No space for some cute pink fluffy carpet either hahaha brother's room is blue.
Pink is the awesome way to go ahhahaha yay.
Phone is still dead I am so saddddd like rotting down in my bookshelf really miss the phone and using the internet on it cos I'm lazy to switch the desktop on.
Was reading on green actions taken by green activists and look what I found.

So sad right polar bear no snow D:
Very soon there will be grolar bears.
What the websites call what polar bears will soon be - normal brown grizzly bears + polar bears without snow places = grolar bears.
Sigh with global warming and all the pollution whatnot, the earth's state is worth taking a look at and realising that we should do what we can eh.
Its so sad and the weather is all haywire (im talking about weather again :O )
And animals and plants are dying and I see construction and cutting down of trees everywhere and my heart really goes out to the environment. D:
Sigh okay nevermind, realised weekends aren't really worth looking forward too anymore, weekdays also not really nice or anything.
Movies I need to catch up on are piling up sigh I laze around yesterday there isn't a purpose or goal or something ANYTHING driving me or anything and I feel that I'm wasting time and everything sigh sigh sigh I really need to have something to focus on and I really don't want that to be studies its driving me mad everyone telling me to study hard do my homework and everything quite tired of it worksheets and classes and everything sigh its a chore and bores me.
I mean I know many people out there really wish to have an education and everything I know I'm fortunate compared to many people without schools and everything but seriously don't think I can catch up with everything, everybody becoming geniuses and all-rounded sigh sometimes like there's no point cos standards are rising and everything but can't really catch up with everything so there.

Susan Boyle is amazing.
Despite everything and people laughing and sniggering at her she still carries herself with an amazing amount of confidence and she is really so confident I can't help it but gawk at her.
She has such a powerful voice and really wowed the audience and proved everyone wrong.
"I was expecting something extraordinary and I was right." - Simon Cowell
Gosh he's so witty hhahah he's cool.
Even the other two judges gave her a standing ovation whoa whoa.
The some girl rolled her eyes when Boyle said she wanted to be as famous as Ellen Page omg Boyle got right back at her whoa.
Its the confidence she has that really got me.
It was so brilliant even Cowell was smiling throughout and the female judge person's jaw dropped and everyone was cheering she is truly an inspiration and motivation for many peeps Susan Boyle is amazing.
I mean despite her looks and everything she is able to carry off "I'm 47 but that's only one side of me." So true.
Simon Cowell is awesome I think.
He's stingy with his words and hardly praises anyone and if he does, he'll be subtle about it but you can truly tell he is impressed.
That's what makes his praises so meaningful and sought for and mean the most.

Okay enough of me grumbling complaining moaning wailing blahblah ecetera I need to be contented with what I have and not take things for granted.
Thank you concerned people and all but shucks I think it's just me cos it can't be everything else right? Right.
Okay shall take things slow so byebyebyebye see you all soon :)

Sick and tired of the same skin but I like stuff plain and really plain so I think if I changed it I'll come up with something almost identical so no point right?

My blog has to be the most boring and wordy blog on earth.

And I miss last year!

xoxoxo j

So give us clean hands
Give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands
Give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
And God let us be
A generation that seeks
That seeks your face
Oh God of Jacob


kelmond: joan arhx :O
Hahaha yeah?

Eden: HEY HEY HEY!!!! :B Edward monkton roxkzxzsjaidjsoajdsa
Yes! HAHAHA super cute right!

tanya: KATY PERRY ROX :)
tanya: got dora ones! hahahaaha. anyway cheer up! your phone might beebooh back to the
tanya: yes the lightning was super scary and i was walking to Bea's S: anyway you got pink bedsheets, and i
Hahah yes it was like boom boom boom ): Hahah dora is so cute and she has this brother or something right. diego or something hahaha dora looks like you! :D Yeah hope my phone with beebooh back to life haha! :D Yeah K. Perry is COOL HEEHEE.

Been really lazy.
Slept from 4pm to 7pm yesterday and all I ever do is sleep sleep sleep.
Tests are all coming up and I have no idea what the topics are all about. ):
Ate tons of food just now and I AM SO FULL NOW.
Ponned cca today heehee have dental later on.
Phone is still dead ): Day hundred and two. ._.
I'm sweating heh and mother says my room is not nice and damp.
She says it feels horrid sleeping there welllllll I think my room is awesome heehee comfy and nice :D
Weather has been extremely unpredictable. Hope there will be no rain later.
Maybe drizzles but please, no thunder or lightning whatnot.

Can't seem to find photos on change sigh sigh sigh projects are driving me nuts and probably up the wall as well.
Jia's school seems cool heeheeheee highly socialble person hahahah.

Okay homework time.
Need to studyyyyyyyyyy hard geog test tomorrow.
I suck nuts at map and water supply blah blah.
Shall keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best tomorrow :)
I'm really afraid for math and bio test results.
Told mother I would study and am studying and she says must improve from last term if not I'm so dead so seeya all and I better get my bum off the chair and start working hard.
Whoohoo :)

Hello braces hahahahahah. Sore ): No good.

Church today haha woke up quite early but was still almost late!
Wanted to cab to church cos was really scared I would be late but there were no cabs and the bus came so hopped on.
Sat through two sermons ahahha cos choir had to sing omg.
Then went to jia's house to play hotel 626 hahah not scary lah in the end only the suspends and the sound effects. Horrendous ahahhaha.
Pr. Loli's wedding reception was cool.
Shantelle was in major camwhore mode it was freaky.
All she could think about was photos while Sam and I couldn't wait to grab food :D
Camwhored quite abit and as usual, me being the most unglam SO SAD RIGHT.
Forever the most unglam one lah ahahha.
And shan I'm so nice I HELPED YOU TAG PHOTOS :D
Phone is kapoot-ed so no more going online as often ahahha so sad eh.
Photos all up on facebook ahahh :D
Took a bus home afterwards whoa mom just bought me pink bedsheets yay awesome.
The lightning outside is quite scary. :/

Hahahah some of the many photos :D
After 4 days of no school I really don't want to go to school tomorrow SIGH.
Oh welllll life has to go on doesn't it?


"Not My will, but Yours," He said.
This is our God, the Servant King, He calls us now to follow Him.

Well it certainly is a day for us all to remember!

American Idol ADAM LAMBERT!
Hahha when they show Adam's Family it never fails to crack me up.
Cartoon I used to watched when I was a kiddy.
The girl's name was Wednesday I remember and the mom had tenticle legs thing.


11 Apr 09, 20:26
Joey: wohhh. dead agn? dun be so careless!
- HAHA I didn't drop it again hahah it just died ):

10 Apr 09, 22:46
aaron(: HEY! ITS LADY GAGA hahaha i've never woken up from my sleep like that before
- HAHA Lady Gaga is the bomb hahah cool RIGHT hahahah

9 Apr 09, 21:59
kelmond: take care?
- Thanks!

9 Apr 09, 17:50
Jiehui: Anyway you go save up too manzxc Hahaha then we go shopping spree in june hols HAHAHA. xD
- SET!

We are the crowd
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastical

Leather and jeans
Your watch glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that baby I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you'll know
I'm staring between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry
But with teardrops I cry
It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that baby I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

Real good
(We dance in the studio)
Snap, snapped
(That shit on the radio)

Don't stop boy, rewind
We'll blast it but we'll still have fun!

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

Yay awesome!

Everything seems fine now and I hope it will stay this way! :-D
Doreen asks me to share for parents appreciation night and I am really afraid never done something like this before and I have extrememly bad stage fright please save me if I faint on stage or something.
Omg its like with the podium so scary.
Anyway its three months from now and I will faint down there sigh.

Gosh dad bought 2 Lady Gaga albums heeheehee I am HAPPY.
One for me; one for Darryl's friend who happens to be Gaga's fan. (:
Gave yf a miss today wasn't feeling too well and I always feel depressed whenever it rains + pms + THE STUPID FLU WHICH CANT GET LOST.

Guess what?
My phone just died today again.
After I dropped it into the toilet bowl, it died ONCE only.
And for soooooo long it didn't die and I thought dropping it into the weewee bowl was probably the best thing I've ever done cos it used to die much more before I dropped it and now its dead again so hello old samsung spare phone.

Heehee been spending my evening reading mag's websites hahah hilarious man katy perry is awesome.

Hahah how cool is that man.
Like the tux/dress and the carousal! Awesome :)
Edward Monkton is my new inspiration! :D
He is like super cool heh heh heh love the killer penguin and his pretty potato (:

His weird quirky phrases and thingys are inspiring while some are admittedly rather stupid yeah.
But it brightens my day! :D
Have like 10000 of his works in my phone heehee.

Inspiring much?
Credits due to various websites and E. Monkton :D

Kay see you! Lady Gaga! :D

Emptied of His glory, God became a man.
To walk on earth in ridicule and shame.
A Ruler yet a Servant, a Shepherd yet a Lamb.

It's Good Friday, people (:
Easter convention at expo today.
Woke up real early and dad drove Aaron, Shantelle, and I.
Sorethroat and cough still quite bad so couldn't sing properly ):
Kept going off and sounding weird and was coughing half the time.
Sermon was quite good but I was really tired and dozed off for the beginning part till Shantelle pinched me.
It worked like a dream, extremely effective (:
Went straight after that to buy the crust I need for my cheesecake heehee baked another 2!
Extremely fattening please :O
Had relative lunch and dinner thing adults having some movie marathon!
:D okay I really have thousands of movie to catch up with sighhhh I feel very behind.
Kay see ya I think the samsung phone is the coolest ever (:
Really pretty, really nice to use :D

All I want is a happy family ):

E-learning worksheets are horrible :(
The weather is still killing me and watching the two of you makes me feel disgusted and invisible.

Choir at expo later and I seriously need to get a black blouse :(
Kay toodles I shall continue my history worksheet.
Source A: The Great Depression
Source B: The Economic Crisis, 2009

I'm feeling depressed already D:

E-learning is horrible.
Taylor swift is actually quite ugh without makeup. ):
The weather is terrible.
Could this day get any worse?

Tag replies anyway.

8 Apr 09, 18:49
Jiehui: Cheerup k! :D Get well soon darlingxxxxx. (:
8 Apr 09, 18:49
Jiehui: Haha hello love. (: Cheerup you ass. open your mouth and dont close it heehee. =x Love you babe. (L)
- Hahaha thanks dear :D Mouth is feeling much better today yay! Love you too lah :D

7 Apr 09, 21:52
kelmond: lol.
- Hahah hello.

7 Apr 09, 20:57
Lisa: get well soon joan!!! then we can chat in the morning :D
- Hahah thanks! You weren't in the parade square on the day I came to school ):

7 Apr 09, 19:05
benita: Get well soon! I think I passed it ot you. Hahaha.
- Hahah awwwman thanks!

6 Apr 09, 22:47
taymin: :D
6 Apr 09, 22:46

6 Apr 09, 21:29
Joey: get well soon. take good care if urself kays,
6 Apr 09, 21:28
Joey: theres no pe tis week? haha
- Oh right no pe heehee. Then can skip cca though xD Hahah thank you so much!

6 Apr 09, 16:56
cheaptoyz: interest in disney toys? look for presents? visit us now. http://cheapest-toy-eva.blogspot.com
- O.O haha how come here got advertorial one.

5 Apr 09, 23:07
Melissa: Jie, link me. <3 :D Cheer up!
- Thanks!

5 Apr 09, 22:43
kelmond: anqi from gb? i thought from arts?
- Yeah she from art hahah

5 Apr 09, 18:18
tanya: as those elf's have :)
5 Apr 09, 18:18
tanya: ms ong, cheer up alright! i'll lend you my ears if you need them, though they aren't as long..
- Awww thanks so much Tan Yalee! :D

5 Apr 09, 01:02
aaron(: cheer up joanpeepee rmb love overcomes all obstacles:D
- HAHA okay got that :D

4 Apr 09, 22:49
kevin di(;: next time i see u i say hi u don chua tio ah...
4 Apr 09, 22:49
kevin di(;: is the ANQI from GB? she my pri sch fren ehh. LOL. anqi shoo,don come n snatch my jiejie :X lol.
- Hahah she's from art lah. HAHAH.

2 Apr 09, 22:16
kelmond: ohman, chloe leaving so fast..
- Yeah D:

2 Apr 09, 20:56
samantha: 's a stain on their skirt and they better go to the toilet to check HAHAHA
2 Apr 09, 20:56
samantha: hi joan. we almost went around telling our juniors that there
- HAHA so mean. Why almost hahah why never do O:

Been eating cheesecake everyday oh no. = fatsssssss.
Goodbye folks, back to elearning ):
Which takes forever to load then doesn't load.

I swear my molar chipped :O
It's freaking pain mannnnnn, and I can't clench my teeth properly!
I can't even smile man ):
Hurts like oohlahlahh very pain lah k(!) )':

Went to school today but didn't go for cca - I got mc heehee.
Jiehui ah, same time fall sick as me HEEHEE.
and we have pink pills! (:
First day of school without Chloe sitting behind me ):
Chloe, school without you seems quite different ):
No one to turn behind to talk to, no one to pass me extra worksheets, no one to tell me lame jokes, no one to not do homewok with, no one to camwhore with during art )':
You were like the first person to come up to me and say hi at the locker.
And we used to be quite close, sharing secrets and your ahem ahems.
And pictures xD
Then no one knows the reason why you joined netball in the first place (:
I mean besides the reason that you love netball teehee :D
And in the end it wasn't -ahem ahem- eh?! :D
Omg miss crapping with you so much and testing out all my pick-up lines on you!
And like last year, I saw something I shouldn't.
And it made me really sad and sorry it was my fault. ):
That made me realize what I've done and I hope I did change.
Recesses were usually me, you and joey awman and we would eat laksa everyday and we would eat two meals :D
Well, you're like the sister I never had. (:
You're similar to me, we dropped both our phones in the toilet bowl heehee genius.
Fbt queen man, so sad it's too cold there to wear your favourite maroon pair.
Life is different where you're at now and I'll laugh at you if you come home with an accent (:
July seems so long to come!
Now's a time I really wish time would fly.
You said you feel foreign over there and weird.
All of us are just a phonecall away you know!!
We'll miss the chalets you always book and your cute little chicks wallet (:
You're like the most generous friend I've ever met, and one of the most caring.
I still remember you said, "that's what friends would do."
But I think only you would do such a thing (:
Heehee I still keep that big red flower with me! :D
The card you gave me during valentines really really touched me.
Hope you'll enjoy yourself there for the next 4 years plus to come and make awesome friends there! :D
Lucky you, a train ride away from Paris.
And there's thousands of topshop and h&m, buy something for us! :D
Remember our package deal eh :-)
Will be looking forward to it!
At first it seemed like a dream. The next thing I knew, reality crashed in and I was so sad.
Hope you like the card and all the best you monkey (:

Mouth is sore. E-learning tomorrow.
Byebye I want to go cotton on (: stuff there are cheap now heehee I need shopping!
Was nice to be back in class today!
And I saw wanying and ollie at lot 1 hahah mom and I were talking about how convenient it would be if we lived next to an mrt station.
Toodles (I'm sweating D:) :D
Save the earth peopleeeeee!

Heeeheee I didn't go to school today again (:
And apparantly, jiehui is sick too haha 2 days mc you bettergo to school tomorrow girl :)
I studied today yessssss! :D
Finally. Managed to learn like the 50 Cheng Yus which are supposed to be tested today but I still studied oh well.
Feel rather accomplished (: math test tomorrow omg I don't like changing subjects ):
Not being able to grasp that concept makes me feel rather lousy and incompetent.
Okay need to buck up in math!
Haven't print the D&T work due ten years ago sheesh.
Manages to bake a cheesecake today yay :D
Thought it would be a failure firstly cos I didn't have sugar and had to use brown sugar.
And the mixture was too thick/sticky for the electric mixture so I had to manually use the whisk to whisk it ):
Was tiring. :O
And thirdly, I kinda burnt the top =x
But it tastes yummmmmmy! :D YAY.
though looks are horrible, the taste is awesome (:
Yay successful (:

Mother came home late!
So I was like an hour late foe my dental appointment.
Gah, the green playdoughish thing they put in my mouth to make the mould was horrible D:
When they pulled it out, felt as if all my teeth were getting pulled out along with it ):
And dentist went to take pictures haha I am so not good at pictures.
Can't look natural hahahah.
Had to stretch my mouth with the plastic things.
Ugh, not good :X
Then he jammed in some purple plastic separators in between my molars and now my mouth is sore!
D: separators are horrible okay.
Mouth has an ulcer and lips are very dry.
The connectors don't help at all, makes my mouth sore ):
Now I can't eat properly so sad eh ):
And sorethroat gah )));
Think I'm going school tomorrow heh.
Feel much much better today yay!
Nose isn't leaking as much -drip drip drip-.
And then Thursday and Friday there's no school :)
Wonderful :D
But I don't know how to French my hair and it's a school rule now sigh.
How?? :O

Mouth is ultra sore I need to get a black blouse shucks.

hellooooooooz people. (:

Heehee lady gaga is the beeeeeest.
Brother went out to get some albums and I told him to get lady gaga's but he got taylor swift O.O
I think brother is quite a ts fan.
Lady gaga's album was sold out );
Heehee she topped the singles chart teeheehee lady gaga ftw(;

Thank you people for asking me to get well soon (;
Well I hope so too! Sucks having to sound like some just wake up person.
And my voice keeps cracking HAHA.
Went to see a doctor in the morn and she gave me some PINK!!! tablets and some yellow antibiotics and a big bottle of the usual black cough syrup with the conflicting taste.
Tastes sweet then bitter. HMMMM.
Came home at about 1 and slept till 230 and then went for math tuition and then came home around 430 And slept all the way till 730.
Today is officially Joan's sleeping day xD
Heehee I get to skip physical education for this week (:
However, mc was for today only. Shucksssss.
Love staying at home, makes it feel as if it's a weekend. Holiday maybe.

Watched shopoholic yesterday.
It was quite cooooool :D :D

I really hope to be ok soon cos I can't taste anything now which sucks.
Can't even small anything even if I press it against my nose.
And being the glutton I am, it sucks not tasting good food.
Hence I've lost appetite in food heehee not part of my diet plan ok.
Byebye taylor swift is calling me for dinner :)

I get to sleep in today yay :D
Badly need to catch up on my sleeeeep.
I'm sick and I think it's the flu bug that's been passing round my class or something.
Oh well thanks for the many concerns people (:
I'm sure yi yan will miss me much during bio.
My throat is pretty sore but I don't have a sexy voice ):
Mine sounds as if I just woke up. ):
Sad ehhhhhhh.
Heehee have fun in school peeps while I jump back into my bed.
Ta ta!

thanks for coming back for me.

And then again, am I that insignificant?
I cannot comprehand.
Just when I thought maybe it was gonna be alright,
You proved me wrong.
What's broken cannot be restored to what it originally was.

And someone is super self-centered.
Thinking about yourself all day long.
People have their own problems too.
Not just you okay.

I'm turning into such a dipshit.
Well I'm sorry about everything but I don't I can stop being one soon.

And I'm falling sick.
Great. Is this week like tear-Joan-down week.


Today came home at about almost eleven and I thought wow isn't it great to be home sweet home?
Guess I was wrong afterall.
It hasn't happened before and now that it has, I'm wondering whether if it's my fault.
For so many years you threatened but it didn't happen cos I stopped it.
And today I wasn't there. And now I really don't know what to do.
How could you do this?
You don't spare any thought for the people who are concerned for you.
And now I can't sleep. Damn.
Should have skipped choir and supper. Maybe it would help everything.
Shit I really hope I'm dreaming, but the pinches hurt.

Realized there wasn't anyone I could really call and talk to about what just happened.
Only Shan. Thanks Shan for picking up my call k. And being concerned.
Sigh I'm sorry called you so late at night to hear me crying over the phone.
You're really awesome.

And now the other people act like they don't care.
But I know they do. I'm just freaking angry they didn't try to stop it or at least act more worried or try to do something.
Why must this happen ):

Please Lord. Please.

I'm really worried. Hope it'll be alright.

It's 12.50am now and I just came back D:
Chloe left and we all cried.
I really miss her ):
I can't imagine what school will be like without her.
She made an impact on so many people.
She's awesome. (:

When people find new people I become invisible and chucked and it's not really nice and I don't like then how.

Jean came to sleepover and I am real tired.
We both are so byebye for now (-:

reality just came crashing in

Ooh yum I love yoghurt. (and ladybirds)
Yoghurt reminds me of Alicia ;D

I'm so proud of myself. I mean was.
Managed to finish D&T homework before the deadline which is today and you know what?
I forgot to print it out to hand up :( :(
Lesson learnt: Dont leave stuff to the last minute yup.

Rushed so many things yesterday and conked out while watching Martian Child.
It was a weird show though hahahah.
And I kept dozzing off during chinese class today.
Head kept falling towards my textbook and thank you Qin Yin for the mint!
Then mom picked me up to go for tuition and now in dead beat.
Class tests are all coming up and I really have no idea what I've learnt so far this year.

This weekend is going to be oh so busy I really can't wait for it to be over D:

I think buffing my nails is addictive OH GAH IM SO TIRED.
sorry just felt this wave of fatigue.
Sorry Jia for waking you up in the midst of your exciting dream.

I think I'm getting far too negative.
And I don't like people who freeload off me it sucks you know.
And there are three thousand instances. >:(
A bit angry yeahhhhh and I don't know why I just get soooo annoyed easily and that in turn makes me annoying so I'm damn sorry.
And I keep moodswinging awwww crap.

Today I need to concentrate on one thing and one thing only - Chloe's farewell gift.
She's leaving tomorrow shit DAMN SAD!! :(
Tomorrow gonna send her off to the airport shit I think I'm gonna cry :'(

One sentence and it really made me wonder why on earth am I here.
To you maybe it was just a passing remark. Damn hurtful kayz.

And I hate putting up all this act kay. It's like we know we have a problem.
But we just pretend it isn't there. Wth.
I shouldn't be so negative.

Hysterical is the new calm.

I hate the things you add into our lives.
You said.

Maybe I am that annoying and useless afterall.
After all I've tried, my efforts deemed useless.
Thanks alot yeah.

Hello people :D
I'm currently downing one thousand Famous Amos'!
Thank goodness salad's on tonight's dinner menu :)

Happy April Fools!
Hahahah I got pranked by Aaron! O.O
Was in the middle of D&T class and I saw the message and it was beyond funny :)
Yay smart Joan didn't fall for it :D
Wanted to play along but couldn't in the end heeheehee xD
I haven't got pranked by anyone (besides my silly brother) for ages O.O
Not that I'm asking you all to prank me or anything but hahahah quite funny lah :D :D

I have a million things to do today and it's already 7.30pm.
1) Finish tossing the salad
2) Set the table
3) Have dinner
4) Finish cookies and muffins and cheesecake
5) Make something for Chloe
6) Do D&T homework
7) Watch Martian child
8) Return video-ez videos by midnight

Sigh so many things! ):
Made a pair of keys for myself like finally.
Got tired of having to wait outside the house for hours like some silly kiddy.
And guess what? THE KEYS DONT WORK :(
Extremely sad pleaseeeee D:

Okay ta ta shall go toss some salad wheehee.