
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile




kelmond: joan arhx :O
Hahaha yeah?

Eden: HEY HEY HEY!!!! :B Edward monkton roxkzxzsjaidjsoajdsa
Yes! HAHAHA super cute right!

tanya: KATY PERRY ROX :)
tanya: got dora ones! hahahaaha. anyway cheer up! your phone might beebooh back to the
tanya: yes the lightning was super scary and i was walking to Bea's S: anyway you got pink bedsheets, and i
Hahah yes it was like boom boom boom ): Hahah dora is so cute and she has this brother or something right. diego or something hahaha dora looks like you! :D Yeah hope my phone with beebooh back to life haha! :D Yeah K. Perry is COOL HEEHEE.

Been really lazy.
Slept from 4pm to 7pm yesterday and all I ever do is sleep sleep sleep.
Tests are all coming up and I have no idea what the topics are all about. ):
Ate tons of food just now and I AM SO FULL NOW.
Ponned cca today heehee have dental later on.
Phone is still dead ): Day hundred and two. ._.
I'm sweating heh and mother says my room is not nice and damp.
She says it feels horrid sleeping there welllllll I think my room is awesome heehee comfy and nice :D
Weather has been extremely unpredictable. Hope there will be no rain later.
Maybe drizzles but please, no thunder or lightning whatnot.

Can't seem to find photos on change sigh sigh sigh projects are driving me nuts and probably up the wall as well.
Jia's school seems cool heeheeheee highly socialble person hahahah.

Okay homework time.
Need to studyyyyyyyyyy hard geog test tomorrow.
I suck nuts at map and water supply blah blah.
Shall keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best tomorrow :)
I'm really afraid for math and bio test results.
Told mother I would study and am studying and she says must improve from last term if not I'm so dead so seeya all and I better get my bum off the chair and start working hard.
Whoohoo :)

Hello braces hahahahahah. Sore ): No good.