
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile







Kind of miss the footprint things and xanga is just plain cute.
Hmmmm and quite bored of blogger and I'll be bored of xanga soon I bet.
I'm just like that hahahaha. :)
Kay not sure if I will move back whatsoever but HAHAHAH okay.
And who knows how to place my tagboard in xanga? I kinda deleted it off. :(


My dog doesn't like me I want to cry

Woke up really early today at like 8+ :(
Breakfast nearby and then West Mall :)
Went to church for PAN meeting haha still quite scared.
Anyway, took a train met Jiehui at Jurong Point, AM SORRY WAS LATE HAHA.
Was catching up with Shantelle and stuff heh THANKS SHAN for waiting with me for the bus :D
Went around looking at stuff omg stuff at Artbox and Stationary Island are soooo pretty!
Really want one of those cute planners heehee.
They had so many cute stuff down there!! :)
Anyway went to get mothers day gift heehee went to make some cake for her :)
Shhhhh kay.
It looked so cute with all the colourful macaroons and pretty cupcakes :)
And the shop was pink. Pretty :)
Had to wait for like one and a half hours O.O
Went to long john silver heehee.
Omg and bought some shirt on impulse and I so regret it ok!!
Was like hahah should get it for laughs and I really did O.O
Was telling mom in the morning that I wanted to go out in the afternoon.
And she was like for what and I was like buy stuff and she wanted to know what stuff :(
Had to tell her it was for mom's day in the end cos she wouldn't quit asking and in the end she was like why did you tell me?!
Um -.-
No surprise alrdy boo right.
Anyway watching some drama show now mom and brother watched it for like 6 hours straight ok good grief.
Ohmygosh scary part now byebye!!

I can't even solve the first level of weffriddles omg HAHA IM SO STUPID!!

Life on the Moon

Here in this crowd I'm feeling all alone
Turn me around and point me back to home
I'm getting lost more everyday
And I can't tear myself away
From the stars in my eyes with no light
Here are my terms, have some faith in me
And I'll let you be who you need to be

Life on the moon couldnt be any stranger
Life on the moon wouldnt feel this far away?
The life that I knew is trough
And I'm gonna need you more than ever
I'm alone in this crowded room
Its like life on the moon

Flown off the ground my head's up in the air
Self counscious to a fault with all the pople everywhere
Is getting harder everynight to take the punches left and right
Just to know that you're here by my side
Here are my terms have some faith in me
And I'll let you be who you need to be

Life on the moon couldnt be any stranger
Life on the moon wouldnt feel this far away
The life that I knew is through
And im gonna need you more than ever
Im alone in this crowded room
Its like life on the moon

Getting lost in my own atmosphere
Stars in the sky are the stars in my eyes
Is the cost of getting out of here alive

Life on the moon couldnt be any stranger
Life on the moon wouldnt feel this far way
The life that I knew is through
And im gonna need you more than ever
Im alone in this crowded room
Life on the moon
Life on the moon
The life that I know is through
And im gonna need you more than ever
Im alone in this crowded room
Its like life on the moon
Life on the moon

Hahah it's so hot now anyway, realised that I need to buck up srsly in Chem and Chinese.
The double Cs spell trouble alright.
Luv David Cook and computer can finally read my phone yay okay see you need to take a bus and pick up brother later at like 9pm GOOD GRIEF.

Having a brother who does 50 sit ups in one minute, shuttle run in 11s, 29 incline pull ups etc SUCKS when you only did 35, 12, 2.
Jealous sister hmmm. BUT SUCKS RIGHT he'll talk about it and laugh at you. Yes sucks.
Only thing I won him was sit and reach. Me 56cm Him 30+cm but guys aren't flexible? He says. Oh well still sucks.

Can't go for yf dragonboating SHUCKS!
Cca falls on the same day :'(

Haha xanga changed their thingy from xanga/something to something.xanga.com
Kinda miss xanga and their cute smileys :)
But the skins are real hard to change etc :(

Kay see ya.

American Idol.

Allison is out!!
Am really sad :( though gokey or Allen would be out but no it wasn't :(
Always liked her much and rock was so her thing and the duet with Lambert last night was mind-blowing yet she's out ):
She always has this really cheerful disposition and really makes you feel like smiling too and her voice is strong and wonderful.
Sigh :(
Well let's hope she'll be like Daughtry (:
Not giving up though their out yay :D

Heehee really hope Lambert will be in though :)
He always receive great comments but always isn't the first to be save :( why is that so :(

Gwen Stefani perfomance with no doubt was a little crazy.
She was running around so ummm weirdly and she started doing push ups suddenly was like "huh?"
Her running around was the funniest. Like so randomly and everything O.O

Kay need to turn in soon, can't seem to wake up on time for school.
It's hard to type on the phone horizontally :O

Kay see ya :)))))


Today was the worst day in a long time, no kidding.
Failure everywhere, sucks.

Welllll math test all my answers tellied and then when mr. Chee announced that time was up, realized I made a huge careless mistake.
Been wanting my full marks for months and I lost it - because of carelessness.
Worst thing ever :(

Got back history results, the only okay thing.
A1 yay been hoping for that. Guess studying does pay off.

Chinese results - the shitz.
16/50 worst in class.
Have to copy each sentence 10 times for correction.
Made so many careless mistakes.
Things that no one ever writes wrongly I wrote wrongly :(
Left so many blank, I have to buck up if not I can't continue higher chinese anymore.
Mom would be so fired up about it.

Napfa 5 stations was today.
I did TWO miserble incline pull ups.
8 more and I'll have that gold I've been covering for oh so long :(
mr. Chan said we could try again.
Need to do more weights.

I shall go copy the ke wens a million times mr Seow says it helps and weights oh gosh I need that 8 incline pull ups.

Am extremely demoralized and tired currently.
Mom is coming back soon and no doubt she'll keep chiding me about it and it'll feel worse.
I need to be mentally prepared and I need to study.

Kay see you Joan has to go mug like SRSLY.

It's over.

Wanted to take a short nap but slept for like 4 hour instead and wokeup at 9.45pm.
I don't like waking up and knowing the day is over :(
And plus didn't eat my dinner yet.
These few dinners have been curry curry curry and I seriously used up my cholesteol intake for the next 5 months pft.

Tomorrow is the day with 1000 happenings and I'm not prepared boo.

And I do not have time to prepare for tomorrow's math test cos I overslept.

Geog test today. Slept right after I completed the paper and did not wake up till papers were being collected.
Gees, didn't even manage to check my paper :((((((((((((

Stayed back to complete d&t our pig is looking good spastic.
Heehee omg funny lah kay.
Spent 2.5hours on it excluding the many 1.5hours during curriculum time.

Am watching American idol now missed half of it :(
>:( !!!

Okay anyway nights.
The day is over. So sad k.

Taking a $1,000,000 pee.

Was watching The Amazing Race: Beijing yesterday.
Awwman it was a pity! The two sisters lost just cos younger sister had to stop to take a piss.
After using a trillion bottles of water to help her swallow starfishes and other weird exotic food, sisters took a taxi to the birdnest stadium thing and younger sister decided to take a piss as she needed one real bad.
Little did she know that that piss was what made her lose her chance to fight for the million bucks.
Omg they were 10sec behind the ex-nfl cheerleaders.
PITY! :(
Feel so sad for them alright.

Oh gosh I'm so full right now k I need to pat my belly.

Have like thousands of people's birthday next week ha ha ha :)

Geog test tomorrow chapters 16, 17, 18.
And I've only completed chapter 16.
Best way for me to memorise the fact's copying down the whole chapter so two more chapters left >:(
And it's 8.10pm already sigh!

Okay need to hurry study.

See ya!
The Major Mugger (BEAT THAT FOLKZ)

HAHA okay TMM is back yup yup omg finished studying okay took like the whole day :(
Today was supposed to receive chinese results but teacher stomped out of class and refused to return back.
Hmmmm was quite confused the whole scene unfolded much too quickly and my eyes couldn't digest everything on time.
So at the end of everything I was like staring, mouth wide-opened, and like "What the hell?!"
Omg I so didn't get it like why did it happen like nothing was out of place bla bla bla. End result: teacher stomped out no more chinese lesson.
And then they went to call chinese teacher number 2 to come up and we had to read some piece of chinese literature.
And like every teacher knew about it or something oh my goodnezz weird.
Miss Kee was rather frustrated with it all and henceeeeee, changing of sits on Thursday.
Wow like so many thingys are happening on thursday man.
Like NAPFA five stations (ugh so not looking forward to shuttle run and standing broad jump and incline), return of history test, Math test, return of chinese test from real long ago (hopefully if teacher returns), changing of sits etc.
Wow wow wow wow wow omg why is my left eye so blur.
There's like a permanent film of whitish thingy over it or something cos its there sometimes and its annoying like suddenly cannot see properly omg my eye what is happening.
Anyway, back on track, I hope that I'll be able to do at least an ok for tomorrow's geog test.
Omg I am so proud of myself for controling my smses quite well.
Fish tycoon is killing me like my fishes keep dying :(
I keep going omg shucks bad habit need to curb it and my haha(s) okay see you crazy mudpies (I WANT TO EAT ISLAND CREMERY'S mudpie!!!! It looked so yummy the last time I went there..)

Chocolate collons are not that nice.
Nothing can beat the strawberry ones. :)
Doggy hates me I think.

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And I just couldn't keep my hands off...


I really regret it now.
Pft, no good at all okay and HAHA was craving for food today(!)
And like the chocolate Suiis bars aren't helping.. :(
You all must be really annoyed with my food binge thingys sigh?!

Okay ANYWAY, woke up at like 6:40am today and it was raining and the jam didn't help okay cos it was raining and reached school at like 7.40 but I didn't get booked yay :D
Cos it was raining I think.
Usually wake up at around that time but don't know why left home so late today awwwwww.
Brother reached at 8am heeheehee.
And I think I'll pass geog for CA yay yay yay to the maxxxxxx.
Mmmmmm and had math tuition after school, on simultaneous equations GRAPHICAL.
I hateeeeeeee graphs I think!!
Always can't draw a straight line even with a ruler yea =x =x =x
Oh wellllllllzxc, OKAY THERE'S NOTHING TO BLOG lah just filling up stuff cos I'm like super bored and the mosquitoes are biting me not a good thing.

Wanted to re-run 2.4 to get my A but I didn't >:(
Was a pity the rain just stopped and it was so cooling = can run faster right.
But no one wanted to run with me so oh well :( :( Then I didn't and I really regret it yeaahhhh.

Omg next Monday is a holiday wheeee AND ITS MAY ALRDY YOU KNOW!! Like three more weeks june holidays are here wow wow wow WHOA.
It's all happening too quickly okay.
Think I'll have to miss last day of church camp for corporal camp SHUCKS BIG TIME.
Watching xmen on friday = not going yf awwwwwww.

Omg I can't believe I agreed to share for PAN hahaha.
I have like the worst stage frights ever and I actually am going to stand on stage and share I think I'll just faint right there on the spot people plz save me alright! :( But oh wellll I'll have to pray and go along with it right! :D
Heehee trying to think on the positive side nad hopefully, I'll get over my phobia shucks. I get very nervous and anxious and I think I'll just stare at my feet the whole time and get feedback or something and like dad is probably gonna share too omg omg omg so scary its real.
Okay think on the bright side (of life and every little detail) I am going to do it and that's that.

Ciao lovelies, you know you love me.
xoxo gossip girl HAHAH SO CHEESY omg omg omg omg.

Mom didn't let me buy the honey glazed chicken thigh when we were at cold storage today she says its for my good and the diet plan's.
SHUCKS why did I have to tell her I'm going on a diet ha ha ha ha now she feeds me a measly portion of rice.

Off to pat doggy.
Oh I realised I said bye already.

p/s. realised this skin doesn't show the time and date of the post ha ha ha ha its plain and colourful omg i love nice pretty colours :D

No, he can't read my pokerface.

Omg shuckzxc I am so hooked onto thesuperficial.com and youtube!!
Just can't seem to stay away from it the whole day okay sucks :(
Like 10+ hours in front of the computer yesterday almost died.
Back was like aching like crazy okay ):
And my eyeballs were like falling out of their sockets (literally) so if you see me with two black holes don't ask kay? :(

Anyway, I'm starting to do weights! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT haha decided to get rid of those flabby arms of mine and dad handed me a dumbbell ha ha ha.
And it's like 3kg like that only and I CAN'T EVEN LIFT IT UP!!
With TWO HANDS, omg omg omg oh no.
But Doggy is like 5+kg and she's much lighter than those scary dumbbells.
Oh well hope I'll have the dsicipline to continue heeheehee. I suck big time.

Okay going to go grocery shopping soon!
I think Lady Gaga singing acoustic is really cool HAHAHAH someone draggggggg me away from youtube etc.

Watched lakehouse yesterday on channel 5 till midnight, was so tired!
Omg the show is quite freaky actually but quite cool lah.
Mom keep saying its a nice show so I decided to go watch it.
Stupid scary commercials keep showing!! :( :(
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg ash stymest I think I'm going crazy SAVE ME LAH OK.

And mom just had to make me eat...

Okay her fault, she better not complain about me increasing in size then ("Look at your brother, his face is half yours you know.")
Heehee but it was yummy anyhow :)
Credit to whatever site kay.
And she keeps trying to tempt me into have kfc's chicken drumsticks for supper. Sighhhhhh and brother wants also they keep describing it IN FULL DETAIL which is not good. No, not good AT ALL.
Shucks, and I went to buy boxes of cookies and everything while grogery shopping not to mention the bag of nyc's bagel garlic-flavoured bagel crips "baked, not fried" ahahahha shucks ate it in the car and stank the whole car remember not to talk to me within the next two hours or so otherwise, you'd die from the return of garlic breathzzz.
HAHAH okay anyway school tomorrow shucks and math tuition.
Am glad I finished all homework.
OKAY I CONFESS, except the math worksheet which Nigel kindly pointed out to me ):


Mother's Day + A shitload of quizes (hey! I was bored)

Sorry lack of photos cos whenever I take them with my phone I can't upload them.
Don't know why computer can't install the device, sucks eh. :(

Okay anyway, went for Mother's Day dinner yesterday one week in advance to beat the crowd. (:
Dinner at Inter-Continental Hotel hmmmm was quite nice!
Food portions were like very tiny though :(
But really delicious oh yay.

Okay so anyway, brought camera out yesterday so yay there's pictures.
Not many though, extremely unglam.
I'm the unglamest person on Earth lah okay >:(

Plenty more in the phone but cannot post O.O
Oh wellllzxc, walked to Iluma after that with cousins.
The building suits bugis real well, its like full of bling bling stuff.
The inside was retro, quite cool, like red metal? Even the pushcarts haha.
But like many shops haven't opened cos the mall is new I guess.
Rode the longest excalator ever - 4 storeys.
Wanted to die okay, am afraid of heights so my legs turned to jelly and cousin kept trying to push my off.
Was like griping the handles so tightly and all and kept screaming and it was so embarrassing everyone turned around to look =x
Isn't that long lah but when look downwards its like FREAKY!! :(

Wanted to go topshop at Bugis Junction but everyone had to leave and it was like 10pm anyway :(

Reading thesuperficial, don't know what's going on with me and celebrity gossip ha ha ha. Anyway, should I like change to livejournal or xanga again or something. Get bored of stuff rather easily :(

Took some personality quiz on fb.

"You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. While you have some personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them. You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage. Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You also pride yourself as an independent thinker; and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. But you have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic."

HAHA and omg I think it's quite true in some ways O.O

And some other what eye colour best suits me : PINK

you're unique and lovable. everyone wants to talk to you, you have your silly blond moments but you just laugh at yourseld and shrug it away. you care about everyone and everything, your gorgeous on the inside and out and you love life. you have a gangster attitude, pout your lips and flaunt it ;]

Haha omg awesome I love pink!

What I'm born to do : best at everything (?!?!?!)

you are the social person who make useful contacts. you introduce important people to influencial people and always reap some sort of reward as a result...but you dont enjoy the spotlight as much. you prefer to stay in the back as there is more room to strech and you like the feeling that you are the one with the power and most of the time that is true... you will do well in almost anyfield you know how to flater without being to obivous and you can make just about anyone like you

Hahahah okay I don't really think so?

Country I should live in: San Francisco

"You have a hippy side to you, and you should be living in San Francisco! You are a very open, accepting person who wants to be around other cultured but laid back people just like you. You also enjoy a temperate climate where it never gets too hot. Come to San Francisco!"

Who I was in my past life: GHANDI

"In your past life you were Ghandi. In this life you continue to have a strong resolve, are steadfast in your beliefs, very patriotic, moral, and caring."

Are you soiled? I'm 19% spoiled. Ha ha ha.

"You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have.
Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy. "

I should've been named: Kate

"You're surrounded by your girls and you want to get out there and live your life. You keep an eye on your appearence at all times and try not to let yourself go downhill. You're not afraid to introduce yourself to new people but try to make a good impression."

HAhaha hey was realllllllyyyy bored okay sigh its hot and boring here.

I can't wait for the launch of sims 3 wheehee it's 2nd june I think oh boy I can't wait.
OMG I really want it yay. I lost sims 2 oh shucks I really need to find it.

Sims 3!! (L)
I really can't wait hahahahah its like the only computer game I play unlike brother who has all sorts of games red alert 3 blablabla CS and his latest craze fifa 09 etc some with obscene covers HAHA omg I can't waiiiiiiiiiit.

OMG CUTE!!!!!!

Okay anyway. Swine Flu.
The flu epidemic that sent the whole world into frenzy.
A step away from chaos - almost like sars period man.
Sigh it hit Asia so scary!!
But according to msnbc,“It may turn out that H1N1 runs its course like ordinary flus, in which case we will have prepared and we won’t need all these preparations,” Obama said.
Hmmm omg it has a new name H1N1 so cool like bird flu. Can't remember the name though shucks I think swine flu is so scary!!
I think the news channel is one of the creepiest channels, makes my hair stand and makes me freak out. :(
Sigh sigh sigh sigh it is so scary, the news channels are all talking about h1n1 super freaky okay?!

Lady Gaga can play the piano!!!!! WHOOHOO she's awesome :)
There's many more ooooo super cool lah kayzxc.
Okay crikey she's the coolest everrrrrrrrr xoxoxoxoxoxox
Her live sounds okay actually s'long as its not during concerts.
And her dressing is so very quirky and her round shades GOOODNEZZZ COOL TTM.

Have nothing to do today so been on the comp forever.
Been youtubing, searching celebrity gossips and everything.
READING ON SWINE FLU whoohoo, I am like so bored gosh.
Okay back to youtube.
I can't find gossip girl season 2 :(

Siyuan is hitting on my friends! O.O

Cute or not her new BEE outfit!!
I prefer the previous one though.
I want the white masquerade mask!! :D

Been on the computer for like 8 hours.
My back is a killer.

That's all anyway.

There's always gonna be another mountain.

30 Apr 09, 19:57
Eden: Let me tell you who is out. Matt. YAy YAY YAYAYA. Join the club. Me and jing also support Adam.Trala

- Yeah! AWMAN but he really was the worst I thought ): HEEHEE ADAMMMMMMMM.

29 Apr 09, 22:05
Joey: lol. why u sound so high. ahaha

- HAHA I was high!

29 Apr 09, 11:35
kelmond: meow meow. :D

- Woof woof!

28 Apr 09, 21:22
Tanji: Hey Joan! Your cookies damn nice la! I want!!! :D

- Heehee awww thanks! But second batch was ugh.

28 Apr 09, 20:28
Joey: haha. i love ur cookies (:

- Thanks a lot!

28 Apr 09, 19:17
Jiehui: for a lot of people but you must cheerup still lah k PIGU. :D
28 Apr 09, 19:17
Jiehui: Hello - blinksblinks- can i have another cookie? ;D Hahhahaha. (L) you lah k this week is moody week

- Hahah yeah you bet it is!! =x

27 Apr 09, 21:14
kelmond: JIAYOUS :D you can do it :)
27 Apr 09, 14:22
kelmond: hahas :D

- Awwww thanks (:

Sometimes I wonder why you even bother.
And then you keep contradicting your own self and I have no idea what to listen to.

Natalie Cole sang and some guy with a harmonica.
Oh wellll Matt got the boot I feel so sad for him.
At least he got all the way almost to the end. :)
Which is already an amaaaazing feat 8D
Didn't expect Lambert to be in bottom 3 man, caught me by surprise.
The judges gave him raving reviews but America didn't vote for him? :'(
Thought the redhead would be in bottom 3 didn't really like her song that much.
But her voice is strong and real unique, it's cool.
Can't really remember her name though whoopsies.

Mmmm mom bought lovely breakfast for me today.
Not yummy, no delicious, but (yes) lovely.
I mean it is yummy (haven't tried it yet but looks tantalizing) but it's sooooooo adorableee.
She bought those cupcakes with icing overload. With colourful deco and everything omg they were super cute.
And I was telling her to buy some low-fat breakfast but she came home with that ahahahah I LIKE.
Haven't eaten them yet though, they looked too pretty to be eaten :O

Omg was reading Urban today and on the bag page was the model Tanyane somebody somebody from Brazil.
And they wrote down there that she was the one on this month's Female magazine's front page and I didn't believe it so I went to fetch my copy of May's Female Issue and OMG she turns freaking fourteen (alliteration!) in August but she looks wayyyyyy mature for her age. I would've thought she was in her middle twenties?

Take a look!
Credits to sph website.
Hmmm and she did a fashion spread somewhere inside the mag and I was like whoo whoo so scary okay she is so not fourteen?!
And she's like 1.78m GOOD GRIEF I KNOW. SO SCARY RIGHT.

Okay anyway, made it my Labour Day resolution to do EVERY SINGLE BIT of homework and no leaving homework till last minute :)
Okay so did quite some homework in the morning shucks dad went to wake me up at 10 and I was so looking forward to catching up with sleep!! :(
Chinese corrections is MADNESS okay I have to like copy every single sentence THRICE and I got ALL the sentences wrong 'cept for ONE. >:(
SO it's like three pages FULL of corrections.
This' the only homework I think I'll do last minute heh heh heh.
But its quite good a start on my resolution, no? :D

Using the desktop now cos later brother's friend is coming and they'll hog the comp non-stop and I wouldn't be able to use it >:(
Omg ARSENAL LOST TO MAN U 0 - 1 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
This can't be happening :(
But oh well its by only one point so Arsenal still has chance right?!?!

Really want to upload photos but computer doesn't recognise my phone!! SUCKS ):
Omg somebody just bought a dozen of doughnuts from missy donuts. SHUCKS O.O
I mean I love them but = calories. thousands of them ):

Hahahha okay crappy now see you darlinggggggzxczxczxczxczxczxc.

Yay I found my camera's charger! :D

Ulcer from the braces have surfaced :( Finally.