
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



History today was real fun :D
Miss K. kept talking about the different toilets in different countries.
And Chinese lesson Mr S. took us to the library and guys kept talking kinky stuff sheeshhhh hahah.
Miss L. took away my socks today and made me throw them away ):
They were my favourite pair okay D:
And she took a picture of me cos my bangs were too long and she wants to capture it as the 'don'ts'.
Pft yeahhhhh ): Plus I have a big bug bite high looks like a ginormous pulsating pimple alright.
Thank goodness subside a little already yup.

Had math tuition and managed to walk home before it rained yay.
I was really doozy today. Was quite confused over formulae and stuff sigh.
I think i'm backsliding tons in homework and revision and everything. ):
I need motivation to do work (!!) O.O

Sigh am watching teevee now.
Web messenger on my phone is undergoing upgrading blahs.
So am not online currently.
Dad's phone has broken down and he has to use my spare phone.
Hope that my phone wouldn't break down anymore D;
Then I wouldn't have any phone yeah. ):
I miss keypads heeheeehee!

Tried the new comp today.
It was okay but I can't read my mail on safari I don't know why but it works on I.E.
Photoshop is finally installed but I don't know how to use it haha.
Need to transfer my itunes sigh!
That'll take ages ): lazy!
The screen is huge, takes longer than usual to get the mouse arrow from one end to the other O.O
But quite cool lah (: certainly beats using the phone's minute screen!

I seriously think I need a haircut too :/
Bangs are poking my eyes ehehehheh annoying!!
Haircut soon. Shucks should have cut with mother at the hairdressers last weekend ):

Dad and momsy laughed at me when I told them (tearfully!) that my favourite pair of socks were thrown ):
How evil!
Brother laughed non-stop. Tsk! Very upsetting ):
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Had an awesome dinner. HPA1 sauce ftw!
Until mother spilled the whole cup of wine -sploosh!- all over the table and on brother's and father's White shirts.
Awwww purple shirts for you people hey (:
Heehee I'm so lucky! Was wearing uniform and it didn't spill at all on me :))
We had potatoes soaked in wine yum yum yeah.
Doggy licked the wine from the ground. Tskkkk.
Reminds me of Tin Tin's dog, Snowy (:

Show is getting soppy.
Goodbye sweeties (:
Joan Jellybelly lives you all :D

Jellybelly's the new middlename :D
Shantelle has a middle-name fetish. Kuckoo already awman :D
Her's O' Reily I think haha SOS!
okay seriously bye already ah (: