
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



kelmond: i feel dam sick :(
- Awwwman get well soon alright! CHEER UP :D

28 Mar 09, 12:17
Jiehui: * Hugs you * Cheer up J JB O! (L) you k! (: Cheerupppppppppppp. (:

28 Mar 09, 03:00
Ryan: pei hwa derh.

27 Mar 09, 22:27
jiayun: you actually have a favourite pair of socks! xD haha arent all yr socks white and look-alike xD

26 Mar 09, 21:40
Kailin(S): whoops. sorry.
26 Mar 09, 21:40
Kailin(S): Heys ;D long time no see yeah. haha. oh btw relink thks ;D
- Okay! :D

26 Mar 09, 21:39
J: Haha what! Gayqueen is cool right right right!? :D
- Heehee! Yeah quite :D

26 Mar 09, 21:17
kelmond: come on, cheer up, the world isnt over :) there are better things what you to think of, :)
- Thanks!

Yay strike one off my to-do list :D
I managed to bake my muffins today!
Yummmmm, Cranberry Orange Muffins.
And there're a success :D:D
Really happy cos its the first time I tried my hand at mnuffins.
First batch looked quite pale and sickly and they aren't sweet.
Second batch looked extremely brown but really sweet and tasty :D
Conclusion: First batch looks nicer but second batch is tastier. :D
Mother prefers the first batch though cos she doesnt like things to be sweet-ish.

Went to Phoonhuat yesterday to get baking stuff (Strike 2 off the list!)
Took quite awhile to find the correct block and spent 40+$ there.
Yay can't wait to bake those cute little biscuits heeheehee.
Unfortunately, I'm only free on Tuesday which is like today so my cute biscuits has gotta wait till next week I guess.
Yay and I managed to get the wire whisk so no more yucky lumpy jello pudding! :D
I have so many things to do in so little time(!) Pft.

Bake muffins
Bake cute little biscuits
Buy baking materials
Get rid of disgusting choc jello
Finish up the cheesecake
Buy ingredients for creme brulee and lemon cheesecake
Bake some gingerbread men and women
Find my blue and black pens
Go get more pens
Art homework
Math homework
Chinese homework
Confucius ethics homework
Go ikea and get that thingy
Go running
Do revision!!!

And those are at the top of my head and there are others but I can't remember shucks.
Saturday is going to be a busy day not really looking forward.
Dental on Friday I think(?) It's gonna be rush rush rush sighhhhz.

Jiehui is queen of garlic bread and I love her :D


I am super duper tired please.
Limin said I look like a frog. -.-
Life is rather sad at the moment and fats are pilling up,
crap ))))':
Can't view youtube videos cos dont have the latest adobe flash blabla which I don't know why I can't download and I downloaded java already its supposed to work but it isn't ):
Internet explorer keeps opening one million tabs and safari can't view mails.
I love firefox thank God for it and I feel so lazy and piggish com sleep eat the whole day its killing me I need discipline and do some work and revise or something.