
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



The 4-letter F word - FAIL

Creme Brulee - failed.
Shortbread cookies w icing - failed.

Okay I'm not sure about latter but it's currently in the oven right now and they all joined together :(
I'm to blame - was lazy to bake 2 batches so I squeezed everything together sigh.
And the mixture was too sticky so couldn't use cookie cutters which I was so excited to use of.
So rounded, or rather weird-shaped, cookies theyshall be then :(
And I made too much delectable pink icing.
They look so yummy it was so hard to resist slurping up the gooey thick baby pink mixture right out of it's very bowl.
Have no idea what went wrong.
Followed the recipe so closely.
Any closer and I'll go cock-eyed.
And yet it turned too gooey, too sticky. :(
Everything seems to suck today.

School passed pretty quickly mmmm.
Pe tried out the 5 stations and I don't know what happened to my incline pull ups.
Year 2007 - 27 pull ups
Year 2008 - 17 pull ups


Year 2009 - <5 pull ups.

Shitty much?
Wait let me answer that for you. VERY SHITTY.
today was such a gloomy day oh gosh never felt any dead-er.
Was like so no mood at all. And it's not only me okay.
Tests all coming up I have no idea what I'm tested and I don't understand a single thing.

Icing still waiting for me to apply it on the no-shape cookies. :(
Welllll at least it's pretty pink.
And I stained my shorts with red food-colouring but thank goodness I went to scrub it real quick. :)
And my whole black shirt is now a frosty-White colour with all the flour and all :'(
Plans of making ginger(short)bread man and woman are dashed.
Now instead lies rectangular thingys stuck to each other oh wow oh wow oh wow major failure man :(
Hope it will taste okay at the very least.
Was supposed to be for someone's present sigh!

Oh wait, happy belated birthday Benjamin Eng hahah.
Lazy to make font size larger sorry using phone lazy type out the code.

Fruit juice tycoon is an awesome phone game.
I lost my Sims 2 disc shucks :(((((((((((((((((((((((
Am such an idiot today.

There's someone I need to thank.
Hmmmm thanks for making the effort alright.
The effort of asking me out and I was predicting a super moody outing cos you're such in a bad mood lately it is scary.
But surprisingly you did not show that side of you today.
Could see you were extremely stressed up about the situations lately but thanks for that effort heehee :)

Met Y at shell, there's some not-right going-ons and I think I know what.
Really hope it's not what I think it is.

Hope the icing can harden later on.