
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Forever & Always

Well everyone can dream right?

Sigh I wish life's like fairy tales.
Nothing ever goes wrong. Or it resolves quickly and everything will be ok and there's be a happy ending.

Okay reality. Sucks a bit.
Wellllllll do you know what it feels like when you found out someone's been using up at an alarming rate what you've been taking forever to save up for?
The feeling sucks okay. :(

Yay I'm bucking up.
Been doing ALL my homework okay and that is a drastic improvement from like doing barely even one piece.
I shall not really look at all the past pieces of homework but I shall start from now :) YAY YAY YAY.
Hope I'll have the discipline to continue this mannnnnnn. :O
Feel bad for mom all she ever wants is just for me to pass and improve even by the teeniest bit she won't mind.
And I feel very lag behind also hmmmmm.

Guess what I think I've been bitten by the environmental bug and speaking of bitten I just bitten by a mosquito like JUST this very second okay maybe last very second.
Fine. Last very few seconds ago.
Today was an okay day I guess average cake was cool they played with it and it was gross ugh ugh like brown lumpy lifeless thingys floating omg YUCK.
The classroom is freeeeezing omg I swear I'm gonna get frostbites on my hands soon like they are sooooo cold I have to sit on them or something and keep moving my legs around if not they'll just drop off.
Exaggerating but not kidding okay heehee.

And Jiehui keeps thinking about saturday's __________!
HAHAH hilarious I tell you pity I don't get to see eh no cameras allowed awman and thanks for buying cellophane friend!
Need to catch up with alot of people, shoooooot.

Looking out of the window, realised the sky is extremely gloomy :(
Ain't good at all sigh makes my mood drop a thousand feet.
Still haven't managed to get my room painted and done up or wallpapered or something.
Most stuff's pink then the wall's blueeeeeeee shuckZXXXXC.

Hot weather makes everyone grumpy I like to talk to my tutor its good and nice to talk about stuff with someone who doesn't really know the exact stuff and everything sigh sigh sigh sigh itchy over here my fingers hurt.

Okay nevermind brain freeze dont know what to type yah kay not even crap or something off the top of my head so maybe laterrrrrrrrrrrr.


Two people owe of some stuff huh *WINK WINKKKKKK*

Stomach muscles hurt shucks maybe overstretched it. And the ribs part ouch ouch ouchies ouch. I don't even exercise or anything and it hurts okay maybe thats precisely why it hurts.
Or I'm growing even fatter SHUCKS hope thats not the case.

Airplanes flying above my house emits scary noises.

And it rains in your bedroom everything is wrong
It rains when you’re here and it rains when you’re gone
Cause I was there when you said forever and always

SHANTELLEEEs: HELLO DARLING! haha shucks i want hey monday songs too kay (: mm and omg that omega photo is complet
21 Apr 09, 20:09
SHANTELLEEEs: HELLO DARLING! haha shucks i want hey monday songs too kay (: mm and omg that omega photo is complet
21 Apr 09, 20:08
SHANTELLEEEs: HELLO DARLING! haha shucks i want hey monday songs too kay (: mm and omg that omega photo is complet

- HAHA I don't understand D: Don't know why my tagboard limit so short? D: Yes will send you when your computer's feeling better :D Heehee and somethign about omega nite photo hahahah.

21 Apr 09, 15:59
SZEYING! :D♥: ♥♥♥

- hey!

19 Apr 09, 23:27
he kai: WHOA, omg. lol. tag board poped up so small then enlarge become so big. haha.

- Haha its the normal size when you don't enlarge. (:

19 Apr 09, 22:00
aaron: dead sea mud spa haha i did before! in israel:D

-OMG ISRAEL is it fun! :)

19 Apr 09, 20:24
kelmond: the weather seriously suckkkk :(


19 Apr 09, 12:57
Jiehui: Susan Boyle is gooooood. (: Hehehe. :D

- yeah! :D

18 Apr 09, 23:29
Joey: ur post so wordy ):

- Yeah sorry :( :(

18 Apr 09, 21:49
jean: hello :D i love you!!


16 Apr 09, 21:53
kelmond: lol. halo :D

- hey!

14 Apr 09, 22:26
Jia: I'm th socialble one okay? :D

- haha ok!

14 Apr 09, 19:05
Jiehui: Yo joannnn. :D Goodluck fr tmr's GEOG hehehe. ;D Gogogo! :D

- Wellll I owe you a thank you :D