
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Susan Boyle

My cursor is a pretty banana which peels. :D

Sports day was yesterday :D
Classes ended at 1130 and we were given a whopping TWO hours to go find lunch.
Ate at the kfc at central and thank you Tanji for the mashed potatoes :D
Couldn't really east much so she gave that to me and thanks Jiehui for the few pieces of popcorn chicken ahhaha.
I read may's issue of Female faster than I finish Suiis' chocolate granola bar thing hahahah.
Been noticing that I always talk about the weather hahah sorry can't stand it.
Sweating like nobody's business mannnnnnn :(
Then went to the stadium at clementi 40 minutes early yay.
Watched the events and Ms Kee and Yuen Leng fell during the relay shucks man.
As in seriously like walking with me all the way to the other bus stop and to go change cos I needed to rush to church thanks k!!
Workshop at church by Evan quite good.
Made me think about all the stuff this week and I think I am a very self-centered person sigh sigh I think I'm becoming a worse person ):
Dinner after that with Shan and had heart-to-heart and it felt great pouring some stuff out but I really didn't know where to start and what to say.
Thanks for sharing with me your stuff too just pray about it and God will make a way yeah?
Stuff that we complain about and find annoying I just realised that sometimes, those stuff are what people have been wishing to have.
Stuff that I really wish to have are what people complain about.
Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side?
Or probably cos we think it's good or something but we have never really experienced it before and good stuff usually comes with some bad points too.
Walked Shan home ahha then walked to kap where dad mom brother were waiting then went to courts at close to 10pm and they were closing soon so we managed to get only bathroom mats. Shucks eh.
And mom bought subway cookies hahahaha.
And guess what mom and brother have been keeping from everybody, they sent doggy for a deap sea mud spa what the fairies even mom and I don't go for some mud spa whatever thing and the mud for doggy was actually shipped from the dead sea okay. Goodness gracious mom keeps spoiling doggy.
And she went to buy some treats which look like baked SHUCKS SUDDENLY I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT'S THE WORD for those real long baked bread from delifrance etc.
But doggy ones were smaller and harder hahaha and she bought ferrero lookalike treats too with the nuts and all and orange sorbet smelling conditioner whoa whoa my dog has a better life than me man!
Gets to sleep in the beanbags and have everything she wants but she's very naughty man D:
And mom pats her to sleep every night in the airconditioned room okay goodness my dog is so spoilt and she gets to go on beds and everything 'cept parents' bed cos dad doesn't like it and hahaha we must whisper when doggy's sleeping cos mom says it'll wake her up goodness gracious I have a spoilt puppy TSK TSK TSK!
Taylor Swift is currently crooning on the speakers and the speakers are spoilt ok.
Dad went to hook up the old old speakers cos he says the new ones aren't good but like one of the old one is spoilt so sound comes from one only and occasionally from both.
Studied and did homework (finally. need to buck up man.) in the morning but still have some leftover and then went to pack my room whoohoo!
Finally cleared shitloads of stuff and now it looks neater heh.
Brother is doing up his room right now hahaha he took the bigger room sigh I kinda regret giving him the room cos my room is so super small enough for a bed a table a wardrobe and two small bookshelves which are not enough.
No space for some cute pink fluffy carpet either hahaha brother's room is blue.
Pink is the awesome way to go ahhahaha yay.
Phone is still dead I am so saddddd like rotting down in my bookshelf really miss the phone and using the internet on it cos I'm lazy to switch the desktop on.
Was reading on green actions taken by green activists and look what I found.

So sad right polar bear no snow D:
Very soon there will be grolar bears.
What the websites call what polar bears will soon be - normal brown grizzly bears + polar bears without snow places = grolar bears.
Sigh with global warming and all the pollution whatnot, the earth's state is worth taking a look at and realising that we should do what we can eh.
Its so sad and the weather is all haywire (im talking about weather again :O )
And animals and plants are dying and I see construction and cutting down of trees everywhere and my heart really goes out to the environment. D:
Sigh okay nevermind, realised weekends aren't really worth looking forward too anymore, weekdays also not really nice or anything.
Movies I need to catch up on are piling up sigh I laze around yesterday there isn't a purpose or goal or something ANYTHING driving me or anything and I feel that I'm wasting time and everything sigh sigh sigh I really need to have something to focus on and I really don't want that to be studies its driving me mad everyone telling me to study hard do my homework and everything quite tired of it worksheets and classes and everything sigh its a chore and bores me.
I mean I know many people out there really wish to have an education and everything I know I'm fortunate compared to many people without schools and everything but seriously don't think I can catch up with everything, everybody becoming geniuses and all-rounded sigh sometimes like there's no point cos standards are rising and everything but can't really catch up with everything so there.

Susan Boyle is amazing.
Despite everything and people laughing and sniggering at her she still carries herself with an amazing amount of confidence and she is really so confident I can't help it but gawk at her.
She has such a powerful voice and really wowed the audience and proved everyone wrong.
"I was expecting something extraordinary and I was right." - Simon Cowell
Gosh he's so witty hhahah he's cool.
Even the other two judges gave her a standing ovation whoa whoa.
The some girl rolled her eyes when Boyle said she wanted to be as famous as Ellen Page omg Boyle got right back at her whoa.
Its the confidence she has that really got me.
It was so brilliant even Cowell was smiling throughout and the female judge person's jaw dropped and everyone was cheering she is truly an inspiration and motivation for many peeps Susan Boyle is amazing.
I mean despite her looks and everything she is able to carry off "I'm 47 but that's only one side of me." So true.
Simon Cowell is awesome I think.
He's stingy with his words and hardly praises anyone and if he does, he'll be subtle about it but you can truly tell he is impressed.
That's what makes his praises so meaningful and sought for and mean the most.

Okay enough of me grumbling complaining moaning wailing blahblah ecetera I need to be contented with what I have and not take things for granted.
Thank you concerned people and all but shucks I think it's just me cos it can't be everything else right? Right.
Okay shall take things slow so byebyebyebye see you all soon :)

Sick and tired of the same skin but I like stuff plain and really plain so I think if I changed it I'll come up with something almost identical so no point right?

My blog has to be the most boring and wordy blog on earth.

And I miss last year!

xoxoxo j

So give us clean hands
Give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands
Give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
And God let us be
A generation that seeks
That seeks your face
Oh God of Jacob