
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



And just when I remembered to bring my umbrella,
It didn't rain -.-

Got back the rest of the results today.
Lit and english were okay but I failed Chinese.
Guess it was expected but I didn't really think that I would fail by a lot.
went to see if teacher would give me more marks and mr Seow gave me one mark hahah.
I begged okay (:

Was supposed to go holland v today to celebrate Chuan's birthday but mother said that I can't go D;
Ohhhhh well was rather surprised cos she usually allows me X:
Guess I have my limits ):


The air-con in class is -brrrrrrr- freezing.
Was on the brink of hyphothemia (spelling?!) I think O.O
Heehee luv playing Trace with jiehui in class :B
And thanks for lending me your jacket. (:
And the daily reminders though I don't reply you heh.
Wouldn't know what I would have done without you yeah :D

Haha brother just decided to lower his volume and I am so used to his booming voice tht it sounds weird now.
Someone please please PLEASE stop him from singing circus hahah.
He's singing it twentyfour seven and it's ringing in my head.
I like britney hahah but darryl keeps singing and singing and singing.
The same song over and over.
Ate this enzyme thing and it tastes like alchohal but like strong alchohal and fruity.
The taste is overwhelming - I don't fancy O:

Phone has a cool collage/Polaroid function thing pity cant upload stuff on blogger via phone.
I think I use my phone too much I have to charge it thrice a day and it keeps hanging and blacking out and lagging >:(
hope it lasts me the next maybe four years cos mother I fed up with me cos I always change phone ):
I want subway right now and I don't know why I broke down when you called there was no reason I just did and you kept telling me not to be sad and stuff and thanks a lot you mean a lot to me and you don't have to worry.
You thought I was pissed with you but I'm not okay there wasn't a reason I don't know why perhaps I am mad I think this is the most probable reason yup but I'm fine now and I want to watch tv I've been just lazing on the bed the whole day whoa I'm really piggy I go oink oink and roll in the mud and I like pink.
I must be mad.
Oh wait maybe I am.
Miss you :D

I've been like posting daily cos I AM BORED / HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO.
Nights loves. I could do with some shuteye.