
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile




Stop siding that idiot please and I don't care if you do just bloody STOP interfering you cow.
Damn bitch I tell you interfering with everything when you don't even know what happened and why it happened.
And everything he said was bullshit I tell you and he's attitude is the pits.
Downright rude that only spells one word. Disappointment.
Like after so long of knowing each other and this is what you do?!
It's a bloody let down okay. It's horrible.
And then you made me lose my top and made me damn pissed and then you said chill, calm down BLA BLA when you were the pissed one and I was the calm one in the first place till you went too far.
So now it's like you're the good guy and I'm the bad one who started everything eh?
Yeah right.

Damn disappointed today man.
Didn't know you two were actually like that.
Oh well I guess what I expected of you was too high then cos your actions proved it.
It's happened like so many times so I guess I shouldve already known that you're like that.
It's always the same style. Same pattern.
Always you siding you without knowing anything and then I get blamed for everything.
You both really know how to get me eh.
I bet you're both happy I lost my top and probably went ballastic.
But I don't think I need to care anymore cos that's what you're like.
No point arguing whatsoever cos there's one me and two yous. Damn.

Freaking angry. Shit.