
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



Strike Two - I'm out.

I'm sorry I know I keep posting and all but please, don't mind me please!!
Little angsty teenagers oh noooo tsk tsk WE ALL NEED A GOOD JAB OF HAPPINESS AND SOMEONE PLANT SEEDS OF HAPPINESS INTO OUR VERY (rather temperamental sometimes) HEARTS.
Please refer to Edward Monkton's cute picture of a colourless heart with colourless flowers sprouting out if you don't get what I'm saying which I highly suspect you don't. So check it out k oh boy he is sooooo inspirational.
Never fails to fill me with inspirations, in short, he never fails to inspire me.
Heehee okay don't know why I'm so crappy today. I even sent out smses in Chinese!!
Must be real mad eh :)
I owe my Chinese teacher 23 jian baos and still counting! Tick tick tick.

I finally found out why my chinese is lousy.
When I was in kindergarten, my Chinese was already like that and the lao shi always wanted to speak to my mom and being the mom my mom is, she found all sorts of excuse to avoid seeing my lao shi but one day, she did. (I can still remember okay! We were all sitting solemnly on those teeny plastic woobly chairs.)
Lao shi kept emphasizing on how I should improve my Chinese but my mom said, "who needs to study chinese at that age?"
Those were her exact words kay hahahha no I don't remember it but cos we were discussing about it and that's what she said.
And she quickly added on that she regrets now HAHA.
End of story. The end. Nope, no happy ending.

Mom is the meanest.
Kept tempting me with KFC's tender juicy scrumptious delicious meaty FINGER LICKIN' GOOD drumsticks.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Mean. Evil. And she keeps going on about buffets whatsoever.
And then when dinner comes she scoops me a extremely tiny portion of rice.
Wait, tinier than tiny. Teenier than teeny. Smaller than small.
Or maybe even atom.
I fail chem by the way.
Back to the topic, see how mean mother is tempting me with all sorts of food not to mention the packet of famous amos' she bought for my brother.
We had a hard time playing tug-o-war with it.
Oh wellllll but after reading those newspaper articles,
I am quite glad I have a mean mom rather than a scary torturous isane heartless mom.

Tired of dad saying that I am mental just cos I try to be environMENTAL.
Mean eh? Oh well meanies heh heh heh P:

Sorry I keep posting like a million times and editing them.
That's cos I post when I'm bored, when I have nothing to do etc.
And those random bits of information and weird cooky (new word of the day: cooky. And no, it does not have to do with the word cook or kitchen or food or hairdryer. No meaning, I'll leave it up to your imagination :D except those 4 words k)
Ya ya ya ya ya mom just freaked me out from what she said I am scared :(

Goodnight you all while I go back to scratching that little irritating scab on my calve. Sheesh.
Useless info once again shucks I am so crappy you should just delete me right out of your daily who's-blog-should-I-read list.