
Joan Jellybelly's Facebook profile



I'm so glad I don't have to wake up early for school today :D
But still woke up quite early hmmmm.
I don't know if I should go to school later(!!) D:

Yesterday was alright (:
Did the skit thing during SS and it was pretty hilarious yup :D
Talk to the elbow, cos you ain't worth the extention.
I can never pull off the bimbo accent O.O
Went to cousin's house to celebrate her birthday haha was camwhoring with sy and he was really crazy.
With his big eyeball thing and all, tsk.
And ahem someone says he hates camwhoring gosh.
Then went to watch teevee and eat peanuts with E.
Gosh it was funnyyyy the way E goes googoo over the television.
And she really knows how to waste post-its.
Sticking it everywhere hahah cos it makes her feel like she's 'attentive'.
Stage one of denial, tsk.
And I realize watching dramas with me really sucks.
I'm no tv companion sigh.

Still debating whether or not to go to school.
Time's flying and I need to decide quick.
Someone keeps persuading me using her unlimited sms haha. Wonder who.
So many people's birthday's in March.
And I'm already very broke, don't know where all my $$ disappeared too. Bugger.
And I really need a shopping trip (:

stop trying to make me choose cos it really sucks.
Can we just compromise or something it's really taxing on me :(

And somebody is super inconsiderate.
You only think about you and yourself.
You don't spare a thought for other people at all.
Your priorities are this, your priorities are that.
Hasn't it ever occured to you that other people have priorities too?
Do you even know that people have important things to get done too and not only what you have to do is important?
Your just being downright selfish in your own way and thinking about the best ways for you and not the best way for everyone.
Everyone has to suffer the consequence and it's all because of you.
Blimey. How self-centered can you get man, I wonder.

Yay I managed to complete one to-do out of the multitude of to-dos I have :}
The to-do's actually to bake a cake!
Something I've been itching to do since day one.
Okay technically speaking, it isn't completed yet cos dear Mr. Chocolate Cake is still sitting in the oven, yummmmm(!)
Haven't baked a cake for ages and I had to hunt for the electric mixer which was conveniently buried somewhere in the huge mess of kitchen stuff which haven't been used for millions of years.
And guess what I found inside the electric mixer's box?
My math worksheet dating back to July 2008 - uncompleted.
Gees, who would have thought I'd found a worksheet O.O
And I just had a peek into the oven and the cake is looking all wrinkly and cracked all over.
Oh well it's attempt number 1 anyway :D
Realized I don't have a plastic spatula and spent hours trying to scrape the chocolate mixture with a spoon.
Hand's all sore right now D:
And I don't have the round pan thing to bale a round cake ):
So it's gonna be a rectangular chocolate cake heehee :D
Wanted to bake muffins but don't have the thingy either D:

Waiting for jiayun and xinyi to arrive to start on our project and I haven't tidied my room :'(
It's so cluttered sighhhhhh =X

Ta ta!
Gonna go mix the icing right now :D